Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF22: Telegram/twitter bot, new mobile app

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The new EF Mobile App is a delight, it's effectively a pocket con-book and places a lot of useful information front-and-centre which along with the maps were incredibly useful for me.

There were no issues I encountered with the app itself, so a big thank you to those responsible for it.


--- Quote from: Pattarchus on 28.08.2016, 11:01:49 ---
--- Quote from: Sheena-Tiger on 23.08.2016, 20:39:13 ---There are people like me, who do _not_ have the newest iphones which are able to sport iOS8... my phone is stuck on 7

--- End quote ---

I fully understand that you can't always have the newest generation when it comes to a smartphone, but iOS 8 was released back in 2014. In the last 2 years and (soon) 2 major releases of iOS a lot of issues have been discovered that have been fixed. And I am just talking about security issues right now. There is a lot more happening in the background when it comes to API changes et cetera.

If your phone is stuck to iOS 7, it's at least 6 years old or even older. I am very sorry to say that, but you can't expect developers to consider such old devices and all their issues. As you can see here ( the market share of older versions than iOS 8 is 3% measured on August 15th.

--- End quote ---

I knnow this kind of issue, was part of me being apprentice as "Fachinformatiker (Anwendungsentwicklung)" but still  I think it needs to be mentioned.
Yes... I only own an iPhone 4s... no more updates -.- but I do not have the money to spend on a new phone while the old one is working fine ^^ ... *glares at his employer who just needs to put down a signature on a document and a boost happens including payment for several missed months...*


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