Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF22 - Pics on fursuit archive

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--- Quote from: Orthank on 30.08.2016, 10:45:01 ---Hello,

Just to let you know, ~2k pics of EF22 are now available on the fursuit archive in EF22 folder

Thanks again to the following furs to allow me to upload their pics :
- WereFox Aries    
- Alex "Khaki" Vance    
- Nightdancer    
- Blaster-Hedgie    
- Lutra    
- Schorse
- Raitowolf
- Silou Atien

If you want to help, do not hesitate,register and upload your pics directly (1GB max/file and max 300 files at a time (flash uploader))

--- End quote ---
There is an error about my name, I'm RedFoxy Darrest not just only "Darrest"


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