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Eurofurence 22 Dance Visuals - Video by Vilvi

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I was one of the several VJs at EF22 and here is not-very-accurate and a-bit-silly reconstruction of my set:
(on three two different services just to be sure...)
password: furry (hidden video, best quality and download links included)
(already blocked on some countries and devices, might disappear at any time)

Songs are from DJs' sets, all played at some point of the dances, mostly 80's songs but including a few more recent ones.

And again, huge thank you to Krauti, EF staff and everyone who helped with the videos (looking at you Randon and a bunch of wonderful Finnish furries). <3

Please enjoy and send some feedback!


edit: removed link to Dailymotion video that was taken down

Thanks again for sharing these. Awesome work guys :)

From a perspective of an attendee, I was just simply amazed by it.
I have done a little bit of video editing, and it takes such an amount of time.
I to do this kind of mixing live is on e a whole new level.

I remember stopping more then once to fixate on the screen to enjoy these visuals mesmerized and forgetting I was actual at a dance.
Absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing.

And for the record:

--- Quote from: vilvi on 10.09.2016, 06:56:01 ---I was one of the several VJs at EF22 and here is not-very-accurate and a-bit-silly reconstruction of my set:

--- End quote ---

I love this video on itself, it would do fine as a standalone music video without context.
It might some eyebrows with non-furry folk with the pole dancing and maybe some other of the characters used,
but an average party goer would still love the whole thing.

Yeah thank alot. I was looking for these visuals.
It's magnificent :D
I hope to see more of these ;)

And next year we need some poles on the dance floor  ;D


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