Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

The Official EF22 video is out!

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Hello everyone!

It's a pleasure for me to announce that the official EF 22 highlights video is now available for download at


and of course for streaming on our vimeo page at


where you can also find all previously released videos. Thanks a lot to BBF and the video crew for their awesome work!

Quincy the Raccoon:
Watched it and was amazed. Only one hitch, bit overused of the 'static VHS tape' every time. I know it looked cool but I had the feeling it was a bit overused. And in some scenes it seems the lens had a minor bump. Looked like a raindrop on the lens. But now I'm just nitpicking.

Overall, fine work BBF as usual! And I hope the site will be filled even more. Looked like he had to set it al up again from scratch. Poor Blue Fox you...

 #p #p


--- Quote from: Quincy the Raccoon on 09.11.2016, 23:25:32 ---And in some scenes it seems the lens had a minor bump. Looked like a raindrop on the lens. But now I'm just nitpicking.

--- End quote ---

It's a noseprint. If you are very careful, you can spot the moment it gets onto the lens. Unfortunately it was not visible in the viewfinder, so I guess we have to live with it now :)

Amazing as usual! Really gets me hyped up for EF23 ^^ Even spotted myself couple of times *purr*

Friend suggested to share it also via torrent to reduce traffic


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