Eurofurence Information > Feedback

2017 Hotel booking error log

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How about collecting booking emails for one day then a lottery for the rooms? Would be less frustrating then this one... wasted 6 hours for nothing.

And how will it work with the waitng list for roms that will become free?

A lottery is even more random. I'd say the people booking first should still get a room more likely then the ones after.

Maybe open the room booking and EF registration at the same time and send a link to the booking page with the confirmation email rather than posting it beforehand on twitter or the forums.

Even more random than this? At least it wouldn't take me several hours...

You can do multiple rounds of Hotel reg.


Making a waiting list & a lottery with rounds system : at least, everyone would get the SAME chance to get a room.


--- Quote from: NightHawk on 16.01.2017, 15:31:55 ---A lottery is even more random. I'd say the people booking first should still get a room more likely then the ones after.

--- End quote ---

How can it get more random than this:
- I started one second after regstart filled in EF page manually and got 916.
- I spent 100 min in the morning and failed my mate took a late shift and succeeded just by using the alternate link while I had to go to work.
- basically you have a score here, being in the right chat groups, getting hints from friends, automation of web-forms, pre-reg as a staffer
- interestingly sporting the fandom as a fursuiter, social behavior (3 people rooms) or sponsorship does not raise your chances to get a room
- so you have the random element and spent time and spent money: if you paid EF immediately and have to sell it for a big discount now.

Now the constructive part:
- force people to be social: build room groups, sell the rooms first week 3 people rooms (one per group), second week 2 people rooms...
- at least punish for holding rooms locked unnecessarily: charge a night one week after booking even if the room is returned (like FC)
- offer a refund on request for people loosing in the room lottery. It's questionable to punish them for simply paying too early.
- on the contrary you could be a convention with much more supersponsors when you grant them earlier room access at the next con...

I don't like the idea of paid lottery (even for charity). It's taking money from those getting no room in future even in big amounts for those
which hate to miss the next Con and still let it happen. And as soon as you go pure random you end with multiple amount of pure virtual
attendes selling their room possibly on a second market for rooms. And when rooms are not transferable then second beds of luckily won
rooms... In fact it could finance lucky newcomers the con.

Unfortunately there is little motivation to do something. Neither the hotel nor EuroFurence has a benefit for optimizing anything. You will
disappoint the same amount of furs whether you act or not, the applause of the same amount of furs will be not different at opening or
closing, likewise the Estrel will sell the same booking whether it acts or not and so we will hope for new secondary booking links passed
around when primary fail - take a day vacation for next booking day - and will wait for the new Estrel tower to open...


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