Eurofurence Information > old Announcements

We want to introduce to you: What Eurofurence is made of!

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Convention Operations (ConOps) with its 20+ voluntary helpers are one of the first teams arriving on the convention venue. A lot of Material and Equipment must be in the right place long before even the first guest arrives at the hotel. During the convention, our guests can interact with ConOps personally through the Locker-Service (managed by the security team in the previous years) for storage of valuable luggage or the front office which will be at your Service for any requests or problems you might encounter. Behind the scenes, we still manage several tasks. We prepare events and panels, setup and breakdown of equipment, transport and acquire additional materials and much more. After the convention is officially over we are still hard at work. After deconstruction and evaluation, we start planning for the next Eurofurence and react on general requests of attendees throughout the whole year. So, with us you will gain an exceptionally sight behind the scenes and structures of Eurofurence.

We are involved nearly everywhere and help wherever we can.

What’s our motivation?

Our motivation is sourced in our excitement in helping others. We enable and relieve others. Our will to help each other is the base of our doings and our passion for EF drives us forwards.


If you have any additional questions feel free to contact Darkwing or CintasFox in the ConOps-Office or via

We are looking for:

At the moment, we are looking for additional Hands in the following departments:

* Setup and breakdown: This Team needs to be available bevor and after the official part of the convention and it is responsible for the transportation of our equipment. New members would need to arrive earlier and/or departure later. If you have any experience in logistics it would be appreciated but it’s not mandatory. It is quite possible that you would need to spend a significant amount of time on this task but only before or after the official part of the convention.
* On-demand crew: This crew is a quick response team for unforeseen additional tasks during the convention. Additionally, to your will on helping us you would only need the Telegram app on your phone. The time you will spend on these tasks is limited to the tasks you respond to. If you can’t respond to every request that’s no problem.
* Room management: This team prepares panel rooms following the event schedule. Different equipment has to be transported to or fetched from the panel rooms. You need to be reliable and on time to prevent any delays in the schedules. Therefor you will work with others in time slot separated schedule. During the convention days, this will take 1-2 hours of your time every day.
* Front office: In the front office you have to respond to questions or inquiries of our guests. Therefor you will need to speak English quite fluently. Also, you need to be calm, professional and friendly all the time. The front office team is organized by a schedule that is divided in 2h time slots. You will spend approximately 2 hours a day in the office when you join us, limited to the main con days of course.
* Locker-Service: The Locker Service allows our guests to leave their luggage in our hands and we will take good care of it. We are currently transferring this service from the security team to con ops, and are therefore looking to expand our staff to cover our new responsibility. You have to handle these bags, trunks, cameras or cases with great care and reliable.  It would be appreciated if you will be able to speak to your customers in English and additional languages. The locker Service is available during its opening hours and during these you will need to spend approximately 1-2 hours a day of your time.

If you want to join several teams please contact us and we will do our best to find a solution that suits your expectations.


Starting at Eurofurence 6 in the year 2000, a small number of people gathered to create a skit and playback based one hour show inspired by the puppet shows at US Furry conventions.

Originally planned as a one-shot event the production was well-received by the audience, so the team decided to continue and experiment with the idea. Adding characters and storyline the show evolved into one of the larger stage events at Eurofurence.

About us

In the beginning it was just a handful of people, today we are a group of more than 30 volunteers working together to create a story-based, drama/action/comedy filled show for mature audiences. Resembling a makers workshop we use our different skills to create puppets, backgrounds, props, special effects, music, script and so on to make this production become reality. Contrary to our beginnings, all of our puppets on stage nowadays are built by our puppet creators, making each of them unique. We share the passion for theatrical productions and some of our goals include a good storyline, convincing characters and situations that astonish the audience.

If you want to be a part of the Pawpet Show team contact Cheetah at

When the convention is over, all is packed up and stored and many exhausted departments go into a deep, dreamless slumber for many months to come, that's when the Eurofurence website team powers up to full throttle. Our mission sounds as simple as it will ever get: make a website, and make it good - the way, however, holds a lot of time-consuming tasks. Over the course of only six months, our team of specialized designers, artists, writers and programmers conjure a design based on the next con's theme and anchored so deeply that even function follows design, appoint an artist and creates the annual, stunning art piece that is first to introduce the topic to public and staff alike, updates and layouts all content and molds everything into code that will not only follow the newest standards, but will also run on all combinations of screens, desktops, phones, operating systems, browsers and configuration possible.

Our job doesn’t end with a static website, too. As the front face of our convention, we also respond on social media, provide an entry-point for all support questions and operate as an interface between our guests, staff, reporters and anyone else interested. We keep all threads together and know our way around. There's no department we don't communicate with and no question we can't answer. Our very few, focused team members don't just do one job. They're all-rounders, and no less is required.

Finding new members is respectively hard for us. We're almost always under numbered and welcome skilled designers and web programmers with open arms. If you consider yourself remotely suitable for either of those two positions and would like to join our squad or take a closer peek into how we work, by all means feel encouraged to give us a shout.
Regardless of whether you're a designer or a programmer, you should know your way around HTML and CSS3 (more so if you're applying as a programmer), you should be able to communicate in English or at least German, and you should be motivated be available all year long, with work density peaking up between August and January. Of course, we're all humans and have our own jobs, lives and vacation. Doability has been tested more thoroughly than any responsive design we've ever worked on. ;)

The Videoteam at Eurofurence is responsible for the live broadcast and recording of events at the con. We produce the official con highlights video. Our work begins 3 months before the con with aquiring materials for broadcast, planning, testing and scheduling, and end two months after the con with the release of the highlights video.
During events on the main stage, three cameramen, a live editor and a remote operator work closely together to create a live feed for the big projection screens so even the people in the back rows can see what is happening on the stage, even if it’s just monitoring how much wine is left in Uncle Kage’s bottle - we will make it visible for you. For this, we operate professional grade HD studio cameras as well as remote controlled ceiling cameras (So-called PTZ cameras) or even GoPro cameras.
Didn’t make it down to the stage in time for the event? Worry not, stay in your room and watch the event on your TV. We also broadcast stage events to the hotel TVs on our very own TV station, EF Prime. You can find us on Channel 1. And when there are no stage events going in, tune in anyway. We provide you with fun and entertainment 24/7 during the con.
Another of our tasks is to collect footage from all corners of the con and we mean it. Look under your seat, look above you, one of our cameras may be there. After the convention, we get busy producing the convention highlights video that will be free to download for everyone.


If you have ever been to a furry convention, you will have likely found yourself surrounded by cute fursuiters posing for photos and offering hugs. And while the furry fandom thrives on the wide range of creativity and different art forms; fursuiters are often the most prominent phenomenon on site. These giant fuzzy critters are bringing their anthropomorphic fantasies into the living world.

Fursuiting is a whole lot of fun.  However, it is also an extremely warm and exhausting thing to do. Imagine, if you will, running around in a thick whole body winter coat in the middle of summer.  - Your vision is limited, your breathing is muffled and your sense of touch is greatly reduced. -  It’s not the most pleasant situation to be in for a long period of time. This said, fursuiters brave these harsh conditions to bring smiles to people, entertain and have fun.

Here is where the Fursuit-Support-Team comes in.

We love to see these critters around as much as possible. And the better we take care of their needs and wellbeing, the more often we get to see them performing. The work we do is unseen by most attendees, but we are there when fursuiters hide from the public eye to break character to recover.

We get paid in hugs and thank yous from people who can fursuit twice as long now rather than dying of heatstroke or dehydration. Seeing that Eurofurence is praised for its fursuit friendly services and having one of the highest fursuiter quotas of all conventions fills us with great pride.

So what does the Fursuit-Team actually do?

By far our biggest job at the convention is running the “Fursuit Lounge”. A 1000m² hall filled with cooling blower arrays, self-constructed costume drying systems, a fursuit repair center, dozens of drink supply stations and lots of storage space. Once set up, we constantly have to keep all this clean, stocked, and looked after. We are, of course, always there to lend a helping hand, answer questions, check on people’s health, and ensure a fursuiter’s ‘character-privacy’ is respected.

We also provide these services to panels and events. If a panel or dance involves fursuiters, then we ensure there are wind machines and a backstage area with water and snacks for them.

Fursuiters also get their own convention badges that need to be produced and handed out by a whole team of dedicated volunteers.

Many of our tasks may seem menial, such as refilling water, cleaning areas, carrying things around etc. But even these small tasks can mean the world to an exhausted fursuiter who needs nothing more than some fresh air and water.

Would you like to help?

Every year the Fursuit Lounge is among the first permanent service running and is usually the last to close down at the end of the convention. This is a lot of time to cover and a lot of suiters to keep happy. If you would like to join our team and help us keep our fursuiters suiting, here is what we are looking for in a volunteer;

- You feel that assisting fursuiters and giving them a safe space is important,
- You are willing to help for about an hour per volunteer shift. Preferably more than once during the convention,
- You are capable of communicating in basic English,
- You can handle heavy water kegs without breaking them or yourself, or know how to use a badge printer to help with the fursuit badges,
- And lastly, fursuiters need us the most when they are out having fun and exhausting themselves. We are at our busiest during these times and will need all the help we can get often late into the night to cover the fursuit dances.

Have questions or want to help? We would love to hear from you at


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