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help needed for EF23 Paw Pet Show recording

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Very sorry for the delays. No longer being an unofficial recording, finding a way of working took quite a while.
The Keepers of the Light video of EF20 online now
and the EF22 Paw Pet Show video is making great progress in the recent month.

Nonetheless, just like last year
and the years before
EF22 (soon)
EF21 (no PPS)
we are looking for helpers to record this year's Paw Pet Show.

We need at least

* 2 people to operate cameras that don't move,
* 2 people that operate cameras that move,
* 1 additional helper to help carry, set up and tear down equipment.

Don't worry,
we will show you how to do that,
you'll get a printed cheat sheet and
a chance to try everything well in advance.
Contrary to last year we will hopefully have an intercom system and I'll be able to see everyone's images.
So I can provide assistance and talk you through this.

The show will in all likelyhood be on Saturday.
It would be great if you can also be present during the rehersal on Friday because we'll also record that one. At least for the 2 moving cameras I would greatly appreciate that.

would offer halp, but solely fixed cam or gripper/ gopher.



--- Quote from: Schnee (Steve) on 22.06.2017, 23:06:42 ---I'm up for helping, I enjoyed helping with the video at EF19.

Not sure what equipment you might need but since then i've upgraded my camera and i've got a shuttle mic & sound recorder (with a dedicated line in) if you need them.

--- End quote ---

People needed:
* 2 camera operators for cameras that turn
* 1 camera operator for a camera that doesn't move at all
* any help carrying equipment in set-up and tear-down on Friday and Saturday

Equipment needed:
* 1 heavy tripod (we have a head but the tripod twists slightly while panning slowly)

Optional equipment we could make use of:
* a second GH5 body or a cinema camera
* heavier tripods
* an additional 4K or FullHD HDMI-recorder
* a professional intercom or monitoring-equipment

After the show it would be nice to have someone store an additional backup for safekeeping for that's a few TB we're talking about.

If you still need a helping paw, I might can help out if it needed. But I do not have any modern equipment.
And i need to check that this doesn't affect my other duties.

But i think for the PPS, I should be free. (hopefully)  ;D


--- Quote from: ZenBlackWolf on 26.06.2017, 03:31:59 ---If you still need a helping paw, I might can help out if it needed. But I do not have any modern equipment.
And i need to check that this doesn't affect my other duties.

But i think for the PPS, I should be free. (hopefully)  ;D

--- End quote ---

Just send a PM once you have checked your shifts.


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