Eurofurence Community > Special Interests

circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc

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After taking my poi with me to EF last year, I found a couple of people who were interested, and who'd done stuff like this before. I also know a load of furs like to practice circus skills.. So, I was thinking it might be nice to get a few of us together during the day, and have a bit of a play. I Imagine that we wouldnt be able to play with fire (too many flammable fursuits and people to be safe) so I wouldnt bother bringing firestuff with you - but it would be nice to go play outside for a while, spin some poi, twirl some sticks and the like.

So, anyone interested?

i've been interested in poi for a long long time....actually...alot of things with fire.
i've been practicing the art of fire breathing lately. if i got more time i gonna teach myself juggling, and maybe at some later point poi, but it'll be glowstick poi or foxy socks for practice first. i won't be spinning with fire anytime soon. maybe next year.

so yeah. if somewolf thinks it's a good idea i could join with the firebreathing.
maybe juggling

(and somewolf. this is for you)  thanks for making somewolfs job easyer.


Ah, that was you?

Yes, I was one of the persons interested in this, and I'll be interested again. Hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer then.
Of course I'd also be interested in playing with fire, but we'd have to make sure nothing unexpected can happen.


I would love to learn poi/glowstringing :]

That should provide some interesting pictures.


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