Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF23 Feedback (2017)

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Even though I already have to leave in several hours and should probably be asleep by now, here you have my part of feedback for EF23:

TL;DR - Good EF with some flaws at the Estrel side of things.

I'll start with the negatives, because why not:

- Horrible air/climate in most of the hotel's zones. Why have no side/roof windows been opened until Saturday?!
- Air conditioning clogged af, no way air can circulate, thus making the convention rooms unnecessarily hot. Estrel, please clean the filters of your A/Cs and they will magically work again!
- My first day of breakfast (Wednesday) was a catastrophy. When I got there at 9, there were lots of empty spaces at the buffet upstairs. It was slowly filling up after a while of waiting, but that has been way better in the past years.
- Several sausages were served almost raw at all days, not even a tiny bit roasted. Even though there seemed to be a huge demand, please let them have their time roasting.
- Due to the bad air in the hotel, the lobby and places around it seemed rather empty of suiters, except for Saturday, when someone finally let some fresh air in.

o New lobby feels okay, but I liked the old one more

+ Almost ever on time for events this year
+ It felt well organized to me
+ Moving the smokers away from the main entrance was a good step
+ After there have been issues with Daily Eurofurence on Thursday, because there were already none left at 9 in the morning, you could grab your copy even later in the day in the past days
+ Events were well distributed this year, at least for me
+ EF Prime was watchable most of the time this year, except some minor issues like blackscreen for a few minutes or some hiccups in the broadcasting here and then.
+ The Pawpet show, even with their little delays between the sets, was completely AWESOME. You did a devilishly good job with all the characters and sets, especially Ortha in my opinion. The expression of her face was stunning, even more with eyes lit. And because someone randomly asked for fun if we want plushies of her, YES I DO. :P ... but only if big enough. You totally got me there.

To see the general interest of Ortha after the show has been insane. It was really nice to be allowed up close, touching her or even get a photo with her. The croud around her all the time since she left the stage, which even followed her when going back to the workshop, underlines the awesome work you did there. It has also been a very nice move from the pawpeteers continuing giving her life when the croud was around, so that they could enjoy this piece of work up close. Nice to see they really have fun with what they're doing!

(Click here for Full Size pic)
A huge thank you to the whole crew involved in the PPS!

It's possible I forgot lots of stuff, but that's what's been in my head now. I might add some more stuff when I'm home later today, when I let things replay in my head while riding the train for almost 6 hours over 8 hours. Thank you Deutsche Bahn!

I hope everyone will have a good and safe travel on their ways back home! Thanks for another good EF!

P.S. I'm open for any Ortha merchandise that might come up in the next months  ;D

o Small TVs left and right from the stairs to the stage would have been nice, so those sitting in the middle could comfortably view whatever is shown on the silver screens while parts of events are going on, that are not happening on stage.
+ To sit in front row and feel the soundwaves hitting you was a great experience. It's a good thing to spend more money for better sound. It surely was worth it. The Pawpet Show had an awesome sound atmosphere with all the speakers.
+ There were two of three elevators broken in wing one in the morning of the 20th, which were already being repaired while we got down to breakfast. When we returned, they were working again. Good job on a Sunday!
+ Checkout was easy again this year.

Thank you all for making this event possible every other year!


--- Quote from: Dragon on 20.08.2017, 01:48:56 ---- Several sausages were served almost raw at all days, not even a tiny bit roasted. Even though there seemed to be a huge demand, please let them have their time roasting.
--- End quote ---

As usual, please complain with the hotel on these issues immediately. It's their responsibility. And they can usually do something about it.

--- Quote ---+ After there have been issues with Daily Eurofurence on Thursday, because there were already none left at 9 in the morning, you could grab your copy even later in the day in the past days
--- End quote ---

We didn't manage to assemble all the standees we had by Thursday morning. So we just had one standee at the lobby at that time. And this thing drained faster than we could refill it. From Friday onward we had two standees there.

Passt issues of this year's Daily Eurofurence should be available at ConOps throughout most of today.

Thanks for your reply.

--- Quote from: Angus on 20.08.2017, 13:44:01 ---As usual, please complain with the hotel on these issues immediately. It's their responsibility. And they can usually do something about it.
--- End quote ---

I did indeed complain about most things, there was some more stuff that happened.

--- Quote from: Angus on 20.08.2017, 13:44:01 ---We didn't manage to assemble all the standees we had by Thursday morning. So we just had one standee at the lobby at that time. And this thing drained faster than we could refill it. From Friday onward we had two standees there.
--- End quote ---

It worked out well in the end. Thanks for your effort. :)

basically all what Dragon said ...

1) Usual good and corteous service. Employees seem to like us. Noticed no furry ears and snow leopard waiter this year though :)
2) A bit stuffy climatewise in some places.
3) why are alternative walkways closed? Namely between 1 and 2 ...
4) I somehwat missed an excuse from the hotel/ ihotelier for the mess caused. Not that we are a bunch of snowflakes in general but a lot of people have been upset.
5) Lobby: we'll have to live with it until the new tower :) cooler but I liked the old outfit more ... but I am an old lion.
6) Breakfast until 11 THU-SUN minimum (SUN even till 12)? Please? Though ... lobby was pretty quite at 4am, we used to be more partysome? :) though the Biergarten was still populated weather permitting.
7) the bistro where one could grab small bits was a very nice idea and allowed to stay at the hotel at a reasonable cost :) Missed the ice cream place at first but frozen yogurth was available to alleviate the pain ...
8) I welcome the fact that Estrel would like to take hotel reg back in it's own paws ...

EF (w/o pps)
1) didn't note anything negative aside from usual delays which are folk lore :) and I don't need to know all of them. Maybe a radar enforced speed limit for wheeled contraptions?
2) Suitwalk: any shorter and we'll just circle once around the suit lounge :) though I see the reasoning. But fursuit group photo should (imho: must) be a part of the suit walk! And only in case of dire emergency not outside in the biergarten theather.

I'd like to express my deepest thankfulness to anybody involved staffwise for making this possible again!

It was nothing short of a blast. I am looking forward to see a video again for all the nice details, and Ortha was one of the most fascinating "paw"pet ever conceived, drawing a tear in my eye when I saw her being shown to the audience and just winking and moving a bit. Would love to see her again :) Marvellous!!

best regards


Well, what shall I say... Again a wonderful grat experience.
First of all, many and heartly thanks to all the people which have participated to that great experience.

But now some thins I want to mention in particular

1) Pawpet Show
@Cheetah / Eisfuchs:
What should I say... You have broke my heart with that story and you managed to get my eyes moist. To make it short, it was for me the best one since EF 8... so far, my favourite has been the show from EF 11 (back in Nürnberg). But this year... simply fantastic.
The only thing I am sad about is the fact that I have missed the chance to give Ortha a hug.

2) Fursuiter Lounge
Well, first, I want to thank all of you for providing it and for the drinks and all... but, unfortunately, this time please allow me some criticism.
For receiving the fursuiter badge you have to bring your head with you. That's okay and that gives me the feeling that this way noone without legitimation will be able to enter the lounge later. But then... I have never been asked to show my fursuiterbadge when I entered the lounge. Sometimes there hasn't be any security there at all. I understand it if noone is around at the early morning or so... but not during the day when many people get in and out. I just wish there would have been more controls.
And then I was missing the small mini-lounge. Okay, this year it was not possible to provide it since there was now the breakfastroom, but maybe next year again somewhere in the lobby?

3) Fursuiter Group Foto
I have been very unhappy about the time: The Game show wasn't over yet, interesting panels at the same time... why not before or right after the fursuitwalk or simply later the day? The hall as location for it is perfect on the other side. The stairs down to the Biergarten are nearly impossible for me to step down in my suit...

Kind regards


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