Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF23 Feedback (2017)

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James The Dog:
Will the bouncy castles be back next year?

There seems to be contradicting opinions about the "Fursuit Group Photo", so I feel obliged to clear things up as good as I can:

1.: The thing at the end of the parade, at the stairs to the beergarden - that is NOT the official fursuit photo, that is just a photo-op for the press. It is optional and problematic (huge stairs, end of parade overheating...) - which is why we have opted against having that as the official one. This never was and never will be the group photo for EF because of said issues.

2.: The actual one was put right in front of the fursuit friendly dance, at a location easily accessible by everyone, declared a headless area before the picture and well announced that the picture would be taken DURING that half hour timeslot.

3.: As for any delays, we cannot accumulate delays from unrelated events: the con would not even be over by now if every delay moved all other events  :P

Now me  :)

While the A/C in our room worked just fine, you almost needed a chain saw to get through the lobby. But I guess this "awesome" german summer weather had a large share on this problem.
Housekeeping was very friendly again.
But, 8€ for a bottle of water at the bar? WTF???

Main stage:
Most of us like music with a fat bass. But it sounded very booming this year. I know, these halls are an acoustic nightmare, but maybe we can figure out something. A huge pile of plushies at the backside wall might dampen the reflections a bit... ;D ;D


ORTHA!!!!  Do I have to say more? ;)

Really, that is the most beautiful pawpet I've ever seen. Totally understandable that Cal left everything behind for her.
I could bite my ass off that I missed her tour through the lobby. *cries*  Please, bring her back next year.
The story was (again) well written and with reference to actual situations. It was a real surprise that none of the main characters had to die this time.
So there were only tears of joy this time (ORTHA!!!). Can't wait for the video of the show.

All in all, thank you very much for this awesome week!!!!!
*group hugs*

Oh, and something else I noticed and annoyed me this year: Some missing knowledge of people (non suiter?) how to treat fursuiter!
I had it happen multiple times that:
- People hugged me without asking, some nearly threw themselves at me
- Rubbed & Scratched the fur against the pile - more and less aggressive
I mostly backed off instantly once someone did that.

This came up in the group chat and several people liked the idea so I'll just leave this small feedback here. Some other conventions offer lanyards with a safety breakaway clip. Such as this. This is infinitely useful when fursuiting, as it makes getting the fursuit badge completely over the head a lot easier without fiddling(including a fan cable I have running from my head).
It would be wonderful if EF can offer lanyards like these, too.


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