Eurofurence Information > Feedback

About restricting portable speakers maybe


Raito Wolf:
Heya! Would there be some kind of restrictions for using such things this year? It's not very pleasant to have people walking with their "portable noise" everywhere you go, it's common sense to use headphones when in public and not everybody enjoys that music or even when there are more furs walking near you with their music at the same time. Imagine if everyone is carrying one just because some others can.

Dhary Montecore:
Hello and thank you for your feedback. You'll be happy to hear that such a rule has been added to the rules of conduct after a survey conducted among our attendees last year. The passage is:

--- Quote ---
* Personal music players such as bluetooth speakers or boom boxes may not be used in a way that may disturb any bystanders.Portable music players can be a fun addition to all kinds of social activities. However, music that is played too loud can be a serious nuisance, and it's easy to forget how far your sound may carry. Pretending to be a one man fursuit dance may be fun to you, but sitting in the middle of a cacophony of conflicting music styles can be very stressful for your environment. Please turn down your volume, switch off your device when there is already playing music in the area, and avoid walking around with your music still playing. The only exception from this rule is the fursuit parade.

--- End quote ---

I hope this is the answer you have been looking for. See you at EF! :3

Raito Wolf:
That's great! Thanks!  :)


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