i am one of the unlucky flooffs who didnt got a room or on the waiting list. Therefore i redid all steps of reg and hotel reservations in my mind to see if there is anything that could be improved.
Am not sure if this is the right section to suggest things, couldnt find any other fitting one.
The reg system runs wonderfull, really no way to change that

But what i think can be done in a more fair way for everyone, is getting the chance to book a hotel room at equal times.
Right now it was the case the regs got approoved one by another chronological (well, at least who confirmed the e-mail of course). In this scenario, everyone whithout these time outs or loading errors got a low reg number. Chronoligical approoving then ment: You got low reg number you are one of the first who get accepted and the chance to book a room.
Now you could say: But everyone will have to check their mail and get the info, so theres still possibilities everyone can get a room.
Well, no, not if you do it right away and sent out mails in bulk after accepting 50, send mail to those, accept next 50 and so on directly after the reg. Of course everyone sits there and waits for these mails, theres no way they wouldnt cause they want the rooms and that is all too well known.
Here comes the thought of improving.
Let everyone register.
Confirm/accept everyone and send them the payment mails, but not the personalized code for the hotel.
Only after everyone got their confirmation of registering enable the booking info link with the personalized code.
This way everyone is equal and can get the actual chance to book a room, no matter how low or high the regnumber is.
Rest lays in the hand of the estrel.
I know it sounds like a tiny change but as i know technics and systems can be different, i do not know if somthing like this is possible to do, but it would be a better way, at least i think so. Of course not everyone agrees to that, many want everything be handeled completely different, so.. its just a suggestment

And now that i am done explaining. Please to all EF staff.
Let me thank you very much for doing this, for using your precious free time, for investing your nerves, money and what not, just to make this convention possible.
It is not naturally that you all do this for us and i am sure you hear more complaints all the time than a simple "thank you".
So, thank you for doing this. Thank you for spending your time. Thank you for being there and making things possible that we all can enjoy.