Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF24 The app

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--- Quote from: Luchs on 30.08.2018, 08:54:52 ---... that are only valid for 1-2 hours; but all of those 3 will stay in the notification center until dismissed. And since we have a lot of short-lived announcements, it's normal that you'd tap on a notification about one that's already disappeared. We'll find a more clever way to handle this.
--- End quote ---

That's only part of the problem.
When the app is opened, it removes the notifications for announcements shown to the user.
But when the announcement has already expired, and thus is not shown to the user, the notification stays there.
The app should also remove notifications for announcements that have expired, so communication between app and background service should be improved.

Another thing with the announcements is that they have no timestamp.
So when there is an announcement about broken elevators and another that they're running again, and the latter one expires, this can be confusing.

Neither announcements nor personal messages seem to be cached, so internet connection is needed when starting the app even if there are notifications for those.
IMHO it would be better if both were handled by the background service only and the app would just get them from there and not need to retrieve them again.

BTW, tapping a notification when the app is already open spawns a new instance. I thought this had already been fixed?

And now to the wishlist: It would be great if there was an option to show only current/future favorites on the home screen and hide all those that are already in the past. Especially on the later days, this leads to much scrolling.

So, this year:

The announcements were annoying from time to time, especially fiddling around to get them away again. I have a bit of OCD considering top-left messages on my phone and it just bothered me.

As for improvements:

A one-click accessible 'Personal Timetable' which is the seperated into 2 segments. The first segment is the same list as you see at the individual days, showing everything favorited for easy overview. The second is a calendar-view, making it graphical to show how much time is left for downtime or planning in other things, as well as overlaps from changes in times (Probably the most important one!). It would make planning the con a lot easier.
Also, the option to add personal things to that is important, down to the minute, with a nice title and description being able to be added. Since the Convention is that long, switching between two apps to handle the changes in timetables is a bit of a hassle, especially with seating or the actual panels being pushed back for at least 30 minutes on the main stage.

A couple of app-related thoughts:

* Each time I played "Collect 'Em All", it opened a new tab in Chrome. So I often ended up with 5 or 6 "Collect 'Em All" tabs, which I then had to manually close. Is there a workaround to this?
* Can the 'big list' of winning Art Show bidders be published to the app? The personal messages for regular art show winners were a nice touch, which saved people walking right across the convention centre to read the paper list. But by publishing the list to the app, everyone can see this information - including unsuccessful bidders, and people interested in items going to auction.


--- Quote from: Ziegenbock on 01.09.2018, 21:26:02 ---Can the 'big list' of winning Art Show bidders be published to the app? The personal messages for regular art show winners were a nice touch, which saved people walking right across the convention centre to read the paper list. But by publishing the list to the app, everyone can see this information - including unsuccessful bidders, and people interested in items going to auction.

--- End quote ---

We're not doing this to prevent privacy issues. While the bidders are anonymized, numbers may leak (by simply watching people bid), and people may take issue with their list of wins being available electronically.

An unsuccessful bidder knows that they are unsuccessful by virtue of not getting a winning note. There is no other information they could glean from the winner list except maybe the bidder number of the winning bidder for a piece they bid on - which is precisely the information we don't want to publicize, see previous point.

We may publish the list of auction items to lure people into the auction in the future, but this will require a discussion involving Charity whose items are on the same list at the moment. (Doing so may actually have the opposite effect...)


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