Eurofurence Information > Feedback

The small fursuit remote lounge


Quick thought on the small remote fursuit lounge/headless that was near to the main bar. This was a nice provision and the heavy cloth was a good barrier, would it be possible to have bigger signs around it? Makes it easier to find for people and in suit I need all the help I can get without glasses on :)

You are absolutely correct. Usually we had several posters, advertising this area as the mini-lounge.
We forgot to prepare those, after we didn't have a mini lounge last year.. Mea Culpa.

There's always next year :)


--- Quote from: Mystifur on 30.08.2018, 21:38:16 ---You are absolutely correct. Usually we had several posters, advertising this area as the mini-lounge.
--- End quote ---
Since you offered this area for decoration, perhaps Jason could add a nicely designed sign and arrow right onto the decoration elements there?



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