Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF24 Feedback (2018)

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I'd love to see a water solution like that! Even just a small cooler at the club stage would be a blessing to avoid going down and back up every time you want to drink :)

While I'd be somewhat surprised to see the Estrel allow something like this, I'd definitely enjoy it!


--- Quote from: Cifer on 02.09.2018, 20:53:28 --- While I'd be somewhat surprised to see the Estrel allow something like this, I'd definitely enjoy it!
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Last year I would have agreed, but then this year I was surprised to see the Estrel allow food trucks. I'm not sure I see the difference between allowing stalls that sell a type of food they don't supply, and a stall that dispenses a type of water they don't supply.

I'm sure the got something from the money the food trucks made.
Sadly none of the trucks offered food I like. I'm not interested in burgers or green stuff. Some Currywurst or Bratwurst with a bun which would have been sold at not thrice the normal price would have been nice.

I wouldn't use the water offer if I don't need to since I don't like their tapwater. Tastes like nothing, like completely nothing, not even a slight metallic taste or so.
I mostly have a waistbag with me where a small cheap tasty edeka waterbottle fits in besides other small stuff.

Btw. What I noticed after the PPS: People not picking up their f- garbage. Srsly? You don't let that on the ground at home, so don't do it at other places.


--- Quote from: SiranaJHelena ---Aside from that though I have a little request for the Art Show team. Would it be possible to give some information about unsold art? I'm not that popular, so standing in line to get my unsold art will be necessary anyway but especially when you have large pictures and no hotel room, it would be cool to know how much luggage you have to expect. I totally understand why the list hanging outside after the closing is arranged the way it is. But I'd really appreciate some kind of additional note that tells me what I have to pick up in the evening. That may be some sheet of paper on the wall, a short message in the app, a carrier pigeon or any other kind of note that doesn't require a lot of extra work. ^^

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I know the buyer was pinged via Smartphone App that they got their artwork. Maybe the system could be used to inform the artist about their sales and un-sales if you stay logged in. :)

--- Quote from: Ziegenbock --- A registration system for the Artist Lounge and Alley. With demand for tables much higher than supply, there needs to be some regulation, to keep things fair for everyone, and give more artists a chance to use the Lounge (and stop people allegedly blocking tables with 'be right back' notices and not returning all day). We'd need to think how this'd work, but one option is to offer each table on a time slot (such as 4 hours or 6 hours). Keep a reserve list, and if a person needs to leave early, offer their table to the next person on the reserve list.
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To be honest, we thought about time slots ... the biggest problem we face: We don't have the manpower to controll it for four days 24 hours. We would need five extra people to sit there constantly and checking the lists / names which we just can't manage. If you have a simple solution two people can handle over for days with 24 hours then be my guest and tell me. :)

--- Quote from: ANTIcarrot --- Would the convention staff consider asking the Estrel how they would view a professional water refill station.
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Before I'd use these I'll prefer to stick to my system helping me throughout the con: tap water. Which I can refill at any water supply coming out of a wall. German tap water has a very high quality - better than some you can buy bottled in the supermarket. It is tested constantly. Also at home I drink mostly tap water. And the best: I can drink as much as I want!!!! :D


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