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EF24 Feedback (2018)

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--- Quote ---- A registration system for the Artist Lounge and Alley. With demand for tables much higher than supply, there needs to be some regulation, to keep things fair for everyone, and give more artists a chance to use the Lounge (and stop people allegedly blocking tables with 'be right back' notices and not returning all day). We'd need to think how this'd work, but one option is to offer each table on a time slot (such as 4 hours or 6 hours). Keep a reserve list, and if a person needs to leave early, offer their table to the next person on the reserve list.
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While I agree somewhat for the Artist Alley - it essentially turned into a second Dealer's Den with no oversight, but still people sitting there the whole day without leaving - I don't think I've ever seen the Artist Lounge really filled to capacity. It was sometimes cozy, but I always found a spot.


--- Quote from: Cifer on 01.09.2018, 21:34:35 ---
--- Quote ---- A registration system for the Artist Lounge and Alley. With demand for tables much higher than supply, there needs to be some regulation, to keep things fair for everyone, and give more artists a chance to use the Lounge (and stop people allegedly blocking tables with 'be right back' notices and not returning all day). We'd need to think how this'd work, but one option is to offer each table on a time slot (such as 4 hours or 6 hours). Keep a reserve list, and if a person needs to leave early, offer their table to the next person on the reserve list.
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While I agree somewhat for the Artist Alley - it essentially turned into a second Dealer's Den with no oversight, but still people sitting there the whole day without leaving - I don't think I've ever seen the Artist Lounge really filled to capacity. It was sometimes cozy, but I always found a spot.

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With no or little oversight of these spaces, and seemingly no monitoring of their capacity, it's difficult to say how full it got. Indeed others (such as SiranaJHelena in the other thread) have stated that they struggled to find space (in fact Sirana said she never found a space).

However I think we're in agreement of the need for some regulation - to ensure fairness to all, if nothing else.


--- Quote from: Ziegenbock on 01.09.2018, 21:42:46 ---
--- Quote from: Cifer on 01.09.2018, 21:34:35 ---
--- Quote ---- A registration system for the Artist Lounge and Alley. With demand for tables much higher than supply, there needs to be some regulation, to keep things fair for everyone, and give more artists a chance to use the Lounge (and stop people allegedly blocking tables with 'be right back' notices and not returning all day). We'd need to think how this'd work, but one option is to offer each table on a time slot (such as 4 hours or 6 hours). Keep a reserve list, and if a person needs to leave early, offer their table to the next person on the reserve list.
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While I agree somewhat for the Artist Alley - it essentially turned into a second Dealer's Den with no oversight, but still people sitting there the whole day without leaving - I don't think I've ever seen the Artist Lounge really filled to capacity. It was sometimes cozy, but I always found a spot.

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With no or little oversight of these spaces, and seemingly no monitoring of their capacity, it's difficult to say how full it got. Indeed others (such as SiranaJHelena in the other thread) have stated that they struggled to find space (in fact Sirana said she never found a space).

However I think we're in agreement of the need for some regulation - to ensure fairness to all, if nothing else.
--- End quote ---
With all due respect, I think you misread either Sirana's or my comment - she stated that she never found a space in the alley, not the quite appropriately sized lounge (and I know this because we usually went to the lounge together).

The alley could use some slight regulation though, on that we agree.

Maybe I can clear that up. I didn't catch a table in the Artist Alley. The Artist Lounge was perfectly fine and even at the busiest hours there were always a few seats available. :)

Regarding to that I have another suggestion for EF 25: Artist Alley and Artist Lounge (and sometimes even the Art Show) are being mixed up by some attendees, especially the ones who aren't dealing them quite often, although they are totally different places. Maybe renaming them would help. (But that's just a little suggestion at the very lowest point of any priority list.)

Aside from that though I have a little request for the Art Show team. Would it be possible to give some information about unsold art? I'm not that popular, so standing in line to get my unsold art will be necessary anyway but especially when you have large pictures and no hotel room, it would be cool to know how much luggage you have to expect. I totally understand why the list hanging outside after the closing is arranged the way it is. But I'd really appreciate some kind of additional note that tells me what I have to pick up in the evening. That may be some sheet of paper on the wall, a short message in the app, a carrier pigeon or any other kind of note that doesn't require a lot of extra work. ^^


--- Quote from: SiranaJHelena on 01.09.2018, 22:20:40 ---Maybe I can clear that up. I didn't catch a table in the Artist Alley. The Artist Lounge was perfectly fine and even at the busiest hours there were always a few seats available. :)

--- End quote ---

Ah fair enough, clarification noted.


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