Hey there behind the screem.
I'm a danish female skunkitty at the age of 24 (soon 25) and with the name Ashley, but also knowed as Sinatzeek on gallerys.
I'm an artist and draw mostly cartoon style, I just love to draw and luckly for me do I have a job where I teach kids to draw, I know my english sucks... deal with it

Someday I hope to make ore bay a fursuit, but it won't be as my skunkitty form, but as my new fursone I have been working on over a year with her desind, she's a deer.
EF 13 was my frist furry con ever, EF 14 was even better then frist time, so of course am I going again this year.
About the real me, I frist got to know about the fandom like 4-5 years ago, and have called myself fur in 3 years now, but if I think back till when I was a kid + asking my mom, have I sinds I was little always wante to have a real tail, and even ran around with pants where I had glued a tail on and called myself a cat, + steeling the dog's collar and used it on myself, so maybe was I already a fur back then, who knows....
Why I picked a skunk-cat mix? well, I love cats and wante to make a cat fursona at frist, till I founded out how many there are, so I wante to make something else, had a hard time finding something else, then one day while I was working on ideas for my fursona did I watch looney tones where they showed a cartoon with Pepe Le Pew the skunk, Pepe have been my favorit cartoon figur sinds frist time I sow Bugs and his friends, so thats where I desited to do a skunk, but I chould't leave the idea of being a cat behind, so I mixed them and got the fursone I have today, with some changes over the years.
I think I just stop for now ore it will be to much to read and get borind.
My DA page
http://sinatzeek.deviantart.com/My FA page
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sinatzeek/My youtube page