Für die deutschsprachige Version, siehe nächster Beitrag.Room reservations at the Estrel hotel start at
Sunday, Mar 20 2022 07:00 CET
(That's 06:00 GMT/UTC, 02:00 EDT, 17:00 AEDT)
The hotel booking page will become available the evening before you can apply for a room.
You will find the link to it by logging in to the registration system and navigating to "How to book a room".
You will be able to fill in your details and make sure everything is alright. You will even be able to generate the email ahead of time, so you can prepare it in your email program. Do
not send it yet, though!
Note: At this point in time, it will still be missing the secret code, replaced by a number of boxes.
When booking really starts on the 20th, we will reveal the secret code, precisely at 7 AM CET. In particular:
- The secret code will be tweeted by @eurofurence
- We'll announce it on Telegram in the Eurofurence Notifications channel
- The hotel booking page will load it automatically and insert it
- It's perfectly alright for everyone to share it wherever after the official announcement
Insert the code into the mail where the boxes used to be (two places, in the subject and in the body,) and send it.
Yes, it is still a lottery, we cannot help the fact there aren't enough rooms, but the lottery won't be determined by failing, overloaded registration servers. It's just going to be the randomness of sending email. It also can't take a long time for you.
IMPORTANT: Emails sent to the hotel without the secret code will not allow you to book a room!
The hotel will have to process over 1000 of these emails, so your email must contain all the required information, including a phone number for the first person making the booking and must be formatted like the template. Just use the hotel booking email generator we are providing, and you'll be all set!
Emails found not to contain the secret code, or missing information will get a reply from the hotel, but this will take time, and by that time the rooms are very likely to be booked out.
And just in case, if all else fails, we will attach a template for the email as a text file. You may need to edit it slightly. Please try to stick to the format, and most importantly do
not remove any fields. It is OK to state that info for the 2nd and 3rd person is not available yet, though.
Please refrain from contacting the hotel by phone on the first day of reservations. It will only slow down processing. At the end of the day, everyone who successfully sent an e-mail will get an answer with a the status of their booking (confirm, decline, waiting list.) Also, sending an e-mail multiple times will not increase chances on a room but delay the booking process.