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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Welcome back Eurofurence, so about that parade  (Read 12047 times)


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Welcome back Eurofurence, so about that parade
« on: 29.04.2022, 14:56:57 »

Yeah, It's been two years since I've left my word out there and what a crazy two years.
I can't imagine how many people have had the displeasure of suffering from a lot that has happened.
Heck even the con itself has had generous donators, contract difficulties and such to even stay up.
But now that 'most' of this seems behind us I'd like to shift focus back to what I said two years ago and wonder how much has changed and what is planned for the pirates of the rough seas this year.

Two years ago I complained about the sudden cancelation of the parade and lack of fun suiting activities at EF in 2019 and how that was seemingly blamed afterwards on the lack of interest from suiters in the big con picture.
I've gotten a few heartwarming messages and some behind the scenes information from fellow visitors current and former staffmembers/voulenteers and of course learned and read into a few things of my own.
I might not be AS rant-y as I've been in the past I am still wondering what is new (or old and returning) on the horizon for EF 2022.
Has there been some behind the scenes decisionmaking regarding the possible return of the parade or something of an replacement where people can enjoy all the suiters and where suiters (any and all) can find themselves back on photo or video later?
And what about the proposed plans I heard about to move the fursuit lounge to a different (smaller) location to fit the dealer's den in the old location.

Simple gist, what's new and planned for what was lost three years ago?


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Re: Welcome back Eurofurence, so about that parade
« Reply #1 on: 04.05.2022, 22:01:52 »


the location hasn't changed much, nor has the new hotel tower been finished. This leaves us with no improvement opportunities on parade locations.
The ongoing pandemic leaves many volunteers unsure whether they can safely attend, so staffing large events is even more challenging.
Attendance numbers are high, which is a clear sign that EF is going to survive, yet 2 years with no con had it's costs, and we won't be doing any crazy financial stunts for new or old events.

The floor layout is evaluated every year, based on the needs of the various interest groups and budget. It will change a bit this year, and likely again next year, in hopes that we will eventually get rid of the pandemic.

What does it come down to ?
Not too much will change.
EF will happen and give all attendees the opportunity to meet their old friends again and get to know new ones. There will be dances, a pawpet show, the big fursuit photo, a dealers den, a fursuit lounge, possibly a boat party, and so on.
There will likely not be a con organized parade or larger outdoor events that cost us money or large numbers of staff.

What other events and panels happen ENTIRELY depends on attendees who step up in time and let us know that they want to run and organize something.

So if any of you want to see Critterlympics, or a Fursuiting 101, or an electronics course, or DIY Jetpack Building for Avians, or anything else happening at Eurofurence, this is the time to step up and actually organise it. Our programming department is looking forward to listening to your ideas and working with you to make it possible.
( Just don't write to them saying "Some shoud do XY!", unless this someone is yourself willing to do it. )

Best regards,
Fursuit Support, Parade, Public Affairs
Paws of velvet, claws of steel,
up to you, which you will feel.
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