The Eurofurence Forum
Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Fursuiters Forum => Topic started by: Thalian on 10.09.2010, 20:05:43
Good evening, ladies and gentlefurs ;D
EF16 is over, I'm almost alive again after the ineviteable concrud (I hate viruses...!), and I finally get to start working on the almost 4000 photos that I brought back from EF16.
As usual, without the great team to help me it wouldn't have been possible to get this much photos done without going insane or simply dropping dead, and so here's something that needs to be said:
Thank you, photo team!!
Many thanks to Rapante, Dragony, Kovu, Pegasus, Draugvorn and our new member on the team, Jyanon! You guys rock, and together we harness the productive powers of CRAZY! I'm already almost looking forward to EF17 ;)
See you all later - Thalian
You mentioned to me, when we were chatting, that the noise of the room was making the photoshoot hard. I was thinking about that on the train ride to Vienna, and had an idea.
Have you thought about seeing if you could get a small speaker and wireless headset mic, to use to talk to the folks posing? Seems that could work, and keep you from having to kill your voice all the time.
Great job as always, though; looking forward to seeing some beasts pictured! I'd say you captured their souls, but I don't think they have any. :>
Holy crap... I feel like running. >.<
Fantastic and thank you so much team!
Cannot wait to see the photos. ;D