The Eurofurence Forum
Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Introductions => Topic started by: Cyrilius on 30.08.2013, 11:58:23
I actually thought that I've been registered on this board, but I guess I was wrong.
So anyways, hello to everyone from a friendly raptor from Vienna. :)
I already see a lot of familiar names, but for the others just a short introduction ^^
I'm 32 years old and working for an insurance in Austria.
I've been a member of the furry fandom since 2001, known as Cyrilius in the german fandom and as Zed in the english one.
I've been at every Eurofurence since EF 12
I got my fursuit this year and this EF was the first convention I attended to as a fursuiter. You might have seen me... I was the green raptor with the blue feather-crest.
But anyways, I guess this was one of the main reasons, why this EF was probably the best one for me so far. I really had a great party. ^^
I'm still reading through the forum a bit, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask ;)
I liked your fursuit :) It's pretty unique.
I think I saw you and I think we even met, very nice suit you had :3
Thanks, guys! Really glad to hear that. :)
And yes, Blacky, I think I remember you. ^^
Hi di hi campers :) Welcome aboard.
Welcome on the forum!
Welcome :)! hope you enjoy your stay here!