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Author Topic: Fursuit Show is calling for participants  (Read 14687 times)


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Fursuit Show is calling for participants
« on: 24.06.2010, 15:36:08 »

Hello fellow fursuiter,

Eurofurence invites you to join us in this years Fursuit Show.

Stage Fever 4 - Live from the wild

In this Post you will find:
  • About the show.
  • Who and what we are looking for.
  • What you need to do (in short).
  • FAQ and more Information about participation.

1) Story intro
Stage Fever is the Eurofurence fursuit variety show. Any fursuiter, new or expert, is welcome to perform a skit on stage. The Eurofurence Team will do its best to support you to make your appearance as professional and entertaining to the audience as possible. To ensure this, you have to register as a performer as early as possible. You can even register if you don't have a skit of your own yet, but want to assist others in their skit.

2) Who and what we are looking for

a) Fursuiters who want to show their own skit or performance on stage.
b) Fursuiters who don't have an own skit, but want to be on stage and are willing to join in on others performances.
c) Video contributions that can be presented on the big screen at the stage.

You can do anything from a short sketch or playback song to a complete performance with props, special light and sound, together with other suiters or whatever you find entertaining.
Ideas that go with the Serengeti theme are encouraged, but not mandatory.
Humans are allowed on stage, if they are accompanied by a suiter and are an integral part of the act.

Be aware that stage performances should not exceed a 2 to 4 minutes duration. Exceptions are possible upon request and discussion with the stage director.


3) What you need to do now (in short)

  • To participate, your registration status for EF16 has to be accepted.
  • Create an account in this forum, if you have not done so yet.
  • Contact Mystifur via PM or now. Even if you have no own idea yet! Do it now, so we know you are interested and keep you updated.
  • Tell him that you want to participate or contribute to the show. Include your Forum-Nickname.
  • You will then get access to a special hidden board in this forum, where you can post your ideas, plan your skits and solve possible issues.

4) FAQ and information about your participation

Q: Is this part of the Fursuit GAMEshow and fursuit-games ?
A: No. StageFever is the Eurofurence Version of Furry-Night-Live. It is a stage show that consists of individual skits and stories. The fursuit GAMEshow is a different event.

Q: I have never been on Stage before. Should I volunteer ?
A: Absolutely yes. We welcome beginners as well as professionals. But we need to rely on your presence, because you may be part of a group act. There is no excuse for not showing up once you are part of the show.

Q: I don't know what to do on stage.
A: Doesn't matter. Once applied, you have access to the special board, where you will find other skits that you can join.

Q: Can I be part of more than one skit ?
A: Yes of course ! You can contribute several skits, you can be part of several skits.

Q: Will there be a rehearsal for the show ?
A: Yes, there will be a mandatory rehearsal the day before the show that you have to attend. You do not need to be in costume for rehearsals. Additionally, we highly recommend to rehearse your skit beforehand if possible in any way. The more you have practiced your skit, the more comfortable you will feel.

Q: I have an idea, but i need others to help me with the performance.
A: No problem. Once applied, you have access to the special board, where you will find others, waiting to join your skit.

Q: I have a special idea for the show, but it's a secret.
A: All skits have to be posted in the hidden board and need to be approved by the show manager. That board can only be read by participants and staff. So your secret is all safe there. For various reasons it is not possible to have unknown skits on stage.

Q: Can I discuss my ideas with someone ? I need help.
A: All discussion and planning is done in the hidden board. Once you post your idea there, we will help you as much as technically possible.

Q: Can I use video / pictures / music / live and recorded audio in my skit ? Can you arrange this for me ?
A: Yes, you can use all of these and our skilled staff will happily help you to make it work. All info about that can be found in the hidden board, once you applied.

Q: Is there a deadline for applying ?
A: Yes, there will be. Most important is to tell us right now that you want to participate. The deadline for finalising your skits is the mid august. But you need to have applied to join in before that.

Q: I still have questions
A: Good, that means that you still haven't lost interest. Just message Mystifur and you will get all the answers you need.

Your StageFever Team.
« Last Edit: 02.08.2010, 22:29:01 by o'wolf »
Fursuit Support, Parade, Public Affairs
Paws of velvet, claws of steel,
up to you, which you will feel.
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