Hello there!

I want to introduce myself too

My name is Namiri, I'm russian half-tiger and half-cheetah.
EF18 is my second EF, I had already taken part at EF17 last summer. That was really awesome and really great, so I made all possible to take part at EF18 this year too.
I'm a fursuter and will be with my fursuit during all time staying at EF.
My fursuit is a cheetah cub, a bit silly and a bit surprised all the time

He's always open to hugs and new friends.
My language skills are: Russian (native), Ukrainian (free), English (technique and general), German (A2/B1 level, studying nowadays) and Polish a bit (can read and write some).
Hope to see you all at EF this year and will be nice to meet you all.