Hi there,
new on ther forum, new on the furry world...
I just start to explore and to find out.

Thought of attending the eurofurence this year, and it would be great to have a costume.
So as a newbie I am greatfull of any advice about fursuits, expecially:
- where to get one (browsed the net, difficult for me to judge between costs and quality)
- is there a place to rent them (I like the idea of "personal suits" better, but for the start and as a try out...)
- "how-to-built-a-suit-for-dummies" (the instructions you find on the net ar faaaar to advanced for me or just not "dummie-proof" enough).
- if you give a commission for a suit to be build, does it have to be by sketch?
- is there a kind of furry/fursuiter community @ Nürnberg that meet from time to time where I could join so that I could get some advice or practical help at building of a fur suit?
Phew, that's enough for the start.
So long,