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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: EF16 Charity Redux  (Read 15082 times)


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EF16 Charity Redux
« on: 15.09.2010, 17:46:37 »

We are proud to announce the final amount:

And we already got a "thank you" mail from the Emmrichs. Sorry, the original is in German, but you can find a translation below.
They also sent a picture with it - see the attachment.

Hallo liebe Frau Fischer,

ganz herzlichen Dank für Ihre unglaubliche Mühe. Ebenso ein riesengroßes Danke an all die Spender, die zu dieser unglaublichen Summe beigetragen haben. Wir waren sprachlos und konnten es kaum glauben. Da kann man wieder mal sagen:

„Wenn du denkst, es geht nicht mehr, kommt irgendwo ein Lichtlein her.“

Das Erste, was wir getan haben, die hohe Summe der Tierarztkosten zu begleichen. Außerdem können wir die vielen noch anstehenden wichtigen Aufgaben in Angriff nehmen (Kastrationen, Notfälle und das Helfen vieler noch draußen herumlaufenden armen Seelen). Es ist unglaublich, dass so viele Menschen ein so großes Herz haben. Nochmals DANKE!!!

Viele liebe Grüße an alle Mitglieder von Eurofurence e.V. Wir wünschen Ihnen allen viel Erfolg, Gesundheit und Glück im Leben.

Der Gnadenhof Emmrich e.V.

Hansi Emmrich
06905 Bad Schmiedeberg


Dear Mrs. Fischer,

From the bottom of our hearts, we say a big thank you for your unbelievable efforts. Also a gigantic thank you to every single donor who made that impossible amount possible. We were totally speechless and almost couldn't believe it.

As the saying goes:

"When you think you can't go on, there is still a ray of hope out there"

The first thing we did was to pay the big veterinary bill we had. Furthermore we can now look ahead to do all the important tasks which lay in front of us (castration, emergencys and helping all those homeless poor little souls still out there). It's unbelievable that so many people had such a big open heart for animals. Again many THANKS!

Many heartfelt greetings to all members of the Eurofurence e.V. We wish you success in the future, health and luck in your life.

The Animal Sanctuary Emmrich e.V.
Hansi Emmrich)

Thanks again to everyone who donated!

Helping is easy when so many participate. I personally would like to say thank you to my Charity-team:

* Pinky for the help during the con and all the english communication that had to be done.
* Badger for his helping hands at and before the con.
* TaniDaReal for helping us with charity art registration and flyer design
* Pan Hesekiel Shiroi for all the work she did preparing the charity events.

Without you this would not have been possible. Thanks again.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 28.12.2010, 16:11:32 by Cheetah »
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