I'm a hobbyist B&W Photographer / Film Developer., and If I can get my "stuff" all In order I'll be bringing my whole set with me ( It's a travling set so I can bring it where ever I go, and I only bring the bare minimum )... I use Chemical Developer., I use a Water STOP process ( I know how to Acid Stop but The Less Chemicals I have to bring, the better :3 )., and I use Chemical Fixer ( I don't bring Flo or Wetting Solutions just because x.x I don't want to have to bring that many chemicals x.x )
I'm a big fan of the Older Minolta Series ( Before Konika Ruined them ;_; ) I've got a few Minolta XE-7 's and some X-370 's I like the XE-7 because of it's "double exposure" feature and the way it does its "self timer" also the light metre is very nifty :3 But it's VERY HEAVY! x.x
Digital is fine but I so miss being able to actually control the F and Focus on the left paw and the Shutter Speed and Exposure on the right paw >.>
BUT WAIT! you say., How Will we get Prints?
Easy! I have a Film Scanner :3