deciade to fill meme ))))
Where are you staying?At the Ringberg Hotel
What day are you getting there?26th
Who will you be with?With my friend (not a boyfriend)
Do you do free art or trades?Oh i am not sure

maybe some doodles ))) if you would offer me a cocktail instead XD
Do you do commissions/badges?See the previouse answer
Do you have prints/CDs?Yep - some limited prints and original artworks
What suit(s) will you have?No suit
Can I dance with you?Uhm.. maybe
You're talking to someone, and I would like to say hi, but don't know how, what can I do?Well just try to wait for a second pause in my conversation

and then feel free to say hi!
What is your gender?Guuuurl ^^
How old are you?21 (will be 17 august)
How tall are you?165cm
Are you mated?I prefer not to answer on this question

answer depends from who is asking
Can I touch you?ehm.. like you are coming and start to touch me? heh i guess no
Can I talk to you?Suuuuure! Feel free to laugh (not too much plz) on my poor english and russian accent XD
Can I hug you?For a photo sure

Just ask first
Can I take photos of you/with you?Oh yeah

i love to be taken on photos! One term - you should to send me photos on email after con ^^
Can I buy you lots of drinks?oh yeah
Do you drink Alcohol/Smoke?Oh god.. i am a bad girl XD i smoke and drink
Can I give you lots of money?like a gift? better just buy me a drink - that would cool!
Can I hug or snuggle with you?I thought there was already such question - so if it's for photo - i'm okey - just ask first
Can we hang out?hm not sure ) maybe
Are you nice?Veeeery nice ^^ as well as noone is too annoying around me.
Where will you be most of the time during the con?well it's my firnst con, so i am not sure

but i am sure i would be somewere selling my art (artist alley 23a/b oooh my table is the last one (((((( thats so saaad i would be almost alone there), of course i will visit bar, something else interesting?