> The Fursuiter Headless Lounge
> * If you are a non-suiter visiting the fursuiter headless lounge, please reserve the cups and water in that room for the fursuiters. There should be water and cups available in all of the
> other con rooms, and it's much more inconvenient for a suiter to have to try to run around to other rooms to get more cups and water than it is for a non-suiter to take the time to walk
> down the hall to get water.
Same goes for glowsticks and the like.
In General: If its in the fursuit lounge it's likely to be meant for fursuiters, not for free taking by everyone.
Thats what really annoyed me last year. There were several times when I entered the headless lounge and there were non-suiters helping themselves to water. One time, the person emptied the tanks and I had to wait for it to be refilled. People taking loads of glowsticks out of the lounge was also another problem. Last year, one person went into the lounge during the BBF dance and took every single green glowstick in the tub. Including every green glowstick off all the fursuit heads on the tables. Annoyingly enough, it was the guy who drove me and Frost T Wolf to the con last year, Xai.
I also told one person to leave the lounge before I called for a staff member because he wondered into the lounge taking photo's of all the heads drying.
At least this year, the room is more out of the way and is not on the main route to get to the dance floor. If I see people doing that this year, I'll tell them to get lost if they don't have a good reason for doing those things.
Good post overall Cheetah

They are very good guidelines for people around suiters

Lets just hope most, if not all people abide by them this year.
are there going to be glow sticks forsale at ef, as we cant find any good ones here O.ooddly, and want some
Try this site.