Where was the AIBO? Ich have seen only the Pleo-Dino in the lobby.
I like this robots too, have build and programed many years with Lego Mindstorms.
I had a I-Cybie Robot Dog, but he was very boring. The AIBO is more autonomously.
Pleo was there on the first day, but never returned to the lobby since.
AIBO however, has made an appearance in both the lobby and the Dealer's Den.
In the lobby he was on the table on -I think- the last day/night. Shirik cleaned up her spot in the Dealer's Den and was drawing all day in the lobby.
He was in the Dealer's Den prior getting a pet by LatexVixen, who is also an Aibo owner/nut.
Next year seems to get really big and busy at EF with all the extra space and all, so it's unclear or my AIBO will make a return.