Hi you fluffs out there,
I always see that Jumpstyle is getting moar famous everywhere - so at the Fandom too - at the Cons/Dances
Im going to plan a Jumpstyle Workshop for all who likes to learn Jumpstyle.
We could practise the
Basic and some tricks of Jumpstyle and also
Hardjump for such they already can Jumpstyle.
A SIG-Room could handle about 20 Jumpers i think.
Every Jumper needs his space if you really whant to learn it right.
If there will be moar attendees, we will need a bigger place.
A bigger SIG Room, or a place outside, or probably something better ^_^
I would prefer outside because because of the fresh air - Jumpstyle is a little exhausting^^
But its just all about fun ...
And after a Lesson, we could all get cold at the pool area hmm ?

So my question is:
Would you like a Jumpstyle Workshop on EF 15?yours the Sheppyhusk
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