Now that I know this thread exists, time to make a proper introduction. My rl name is Steve Plunkett, and I have been active in furry since 1993. I am best known for my puppetry, and have been puppeteering since 1992. I did the first furry puppet show at a con in Chicago in 1994, at a sci-fi con with a furry track. The puppets went over well, and I started becoming a fixture at furry cons. In 1999 I put together the first group performance of furry puppeteers, and have seen a lot of growth in puppetry since then. Since that first show in 1994, I have done dozens of shows, some solo, most now as a group. I have also taught well over 100 panels and workshops at various cons.
One thing I helped do was bring performance into the mainstream at cons. As far as I know, I was the first to come into furry as a performer, rather than as an artist, writer, or fursuit builder. In 1995 I helped with the first Furry Variety Show, which helped make performance more popular at cons. Since then I have performed in countless shows at multiple cons, and have directed shows at Midwest Furfest, Further Confusion, and Morphicon.
Besides being staff numerous times at various cons, I am a founding member of Midwest Furfest. Between there, Further Confusion, and Morphicon, I have done various staff jobs, from Furry Variety Show director to guest laison to puppetry track head to fursuit track head.
Last year I had a custom version of my most popular character, Vixie, made by a former Muppets performer. You can see pics at guess I've bored you all enough for now.

I am very excited about coming to EF next year, I think it's going to be a great time.