May be dummy question, but how important role alcohol generally have in event(s) like this? Is someone, who doesn't drink, going to be very lonely?
I don't drink at all... and I prefer cons with a low alcohol-per-person ratio. Here are the 7 reasons why:
1. The conversations make more sense, content-wise
2. The language people talk in is understandable, pronounciation-wise
3. You don't miss the con passed out in a bathroom corner
4. You won't wake up in the morning married to a sheep
5. You may find less "friends" but you will actually remember them afterwards
6. You will actually benefit from attending the panels and SIGs. Intellectual capacity be praised!
7. Your reputation will remain unscathed, especially if you're on a con for the first time and make a first impression on many, many people
7. There will be no sinister wolf on your tail threatening to push you into a cold shower to sober up
7. You don't need to pay extra for cleaning services
7. You will retain your ability to count.
Limiting the amount one imbibes on a con is an
excellent idea!