Yup, and if you mix it with Red Bull, you have the energy to go all night... Until you get bored and start a whiskey drinking contest at an Irish Pub... I kinda remember that night.
It was sort of like a jager bomb, but with something tastier - Rockstar Juiced. More caffeine, more taste, same price (actually, they're always on sale 2/$5, as opposed to $3 a can for Jag ^_^)... And they were taken about 20 mins apart... As for whiskey, I'll never touch the stuff as I'm allergic to it (which sucks, because I want to try J.D. sometime)
i've had a drink made by Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott (R.I.P.)
- Jagermeister
- Jack Daniels
- Wild Turkey
- Splash of coke
One will get you drunk, its called A BLACK TOOTH GRIN, after the lyric from a Megadeth track called Sweating Bullets.... Isn't learning fun ^^
As much as I'm embarassed to say it, one jagermeister will do in me right now.... Although by the time EF swings around, I'll be able to probably down half a dozen jag's, because I'll be drinking that stuff every week now (Sal's on 17th here in Calgary has a breaks/garage/jungle night, and the "cover" is $5 per person in drinks - coincidentally enough, a red bull is $5. ^_^). That walk home last night was even more fun than going home from Noisia back in December complete baked (not even of my own will, there was a huge cloud of smoke in the community hall, lol)....