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Author Topic: Honest Opinion of EF 16  (Read 126592 times)


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #30 on: 07.09.2010, 23:41:26 »

In my opinion, EF has taken a big step away from what it used to be. This does not have to be a bad thing, it's just pretty different now. It's a gigantic, but somewhat anonymous party now. I hope adjusting the prices inside the hotel will get more people to stay in the public areas of the hotel instead of having to go into the city or getting privatly drunk in their rooms.
I really had a lot of fun this year, but I think I will miss the Ringberg. Almost everything on my mind has already been mentioned, so I will stick to the one thing that has annoyed me greatly.

The amout of people rummaging around the Big Blue Dance, taping the dancers to be the very first one to upload another video of people dancing on the con, seems to increase every year. This is annoying to me for two reasons:

1. This is (or at least used to be) a somewhat private event, meant for those people who sign up to actually visit the con. Sure, there are people taking pictures everywhere and I'm pretty sure I can be found in one of the countless image archives somewhere. Nevertheless - I do not wish to end up on YouTube, since I try to keep my private information (yes, this includes my face as well) of the internet as much as possible. It actually spoils a lot of the fun for me if I get the constant feeling to be watched by the whole world -- not for a moment, but forever.
2. Like in any club, if you have 30 people dancing and 60 people standing around and watching, it takes away a lot of the energy from the dancefloor. I think it's fine to stand at the side to have a drink, talk with your friends or just relax after getting all sweaty. Yet it is not OK to run around the dancefloor for an hour in circles, shoving your camera in everyones face. It's damn annoying, go away.

Regarding the tap water being charged for:
I had no problems getting free tap water for friends and myself multiple times during the dance. Seems to be luck, though.
« Last Edit: 07.09.2010, 23:51:27 by Raider »


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #31 on: 07.09.2010, 23:43:42 »

Keycards: Didn't have an issue myself, but anyone who did needs to remember to get ALL of the cards for their room recoded at the same time, or you'll just keep locking each other out.
I had to have mine redone four or five times, a friend managed to get theirs written onto a standard hotel keycard but the desk staff refused to do that for me.   My roommate's continued working throughout.  (I will add that the card was never let anywhere near anything that could wipe it)

Mine had to be rewritten three times. Apparently it got wiped by the camera. After I stopped wearing the badge around my neck as well as the camera, I had no more problems.

The only downside is that it was quite noisy, the sound from the dances carried through the building, it was louder IN the rooms.

That was also the case in the Ringberg if your room happened to be on the wrong side (towards the convention space).

My room was in the east wing facing away from the stage area and I have to say it was VERY quiet for being in the middle of the city and all, even quieter than here at home.

James The Dog

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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #32 on: 07.09.2010, 23:49:54 »

I did enjoy the majority of the con, and don't really think I can say much that hasn't already been said, just a couple of minor things to get off my chest.

The prices. Obviously nothing the con could do about it, but as has been said, they were ridiculous, even by 4 star hotel standards. 2.90 for a tiny 200ml bottle of coke- when I can go to the supermarket and get a 1.5 litre bottle for 1.25, it's just not worth it at all. I'd also been under the impression from people who have attended in the past that the BBQ was included with the con, but we found out it was something like 9 euros for a burger, which is stupidly expensive, so we went to Pizza Hut and got a pizza and a large drink for less. I didn't actually buy anything from the hotel at all. The problem with that is it means I have to go up to my room every time I want a drink (and get stuck in the lift queue) and go out whenever I wanted a meal- you can't just sit around in the lobby or bar with friends.

And the other thing was the "yiffy guide to safe sex". This was the first thing I saw- it dropped out in front of me before I'd even opened the conbook. I don't have an issue with the idea of the leaflet itself, but the pictures on the top... no thanks. I don't want or need to see a picture of an erect cock to illustrate what the leaflet's trying to tell me. If I was going into the more adult areas of the art show, or looking in the porn artists folders in the dealers den I'd at least be prepared to see that sort of thing (and I know to avoid those things if I don't want to see it), but I certainly didn't expect to see it fall out of my conbook, so I wasn't prepared at all, and was actually quite shocked. I'm personally not comfortable with that sort of art, and even if I was, I just don't feel it's appropriate in that context- it's precisely the sort of thing people will leave on show in their rooms (meaning the cleaners likely saw loads of them) and I saw a few floating around the lobby too (where other hotel staff and members of the public could see it)- it's precisely the sort of thing which gives off a bad impression of the convention and our fandom. One of my friends, who was staying in another hotel, says he tore his up and threw it away to make sure the cleaners didn't see it, because he was quite horrified at the idea of them finding it, and I can only agree with him.

Apart from these things, I did have a good time and will hopefully be coming back next year.
« Last Edit: 07.09.2010, 23:52:23 by James The Dog »


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #33 on: 07.09.2010, 23:56:19 »

I can just say that this EF was the last one for me if prices are same or higher for EF 17. I think **** Hotel is unnecessary luxury for such con. EF has become something which is almost unbearable for me. i don't want to speak about prices in lobby etc. It was more likely scary. 4,50 Euros for beer, which tastes like bitter water...WTF? enough said.

there were longer delays than I had experienced in Ringberg hotel. Sorry but if artists must wait for their money at 1 AM, it's pretty annoying mate could describe details.

And The fact that there were only about 850 people accommodated in hotel, which was designed for 1200, means just it was wrong choice. I miss good old Ringberg

I won't even consider my attendance at EF 17 until there is interesting theme such as Siberia, Japan or 60s / Hippies

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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #34 on: 08.09.2010, 00:05:28 »

And the other thing was the "yiffy guide to safe sex". This was the first thing I saw- it dropped out in front of me before I'd even opened the conbook. I don't have an issue with the idea of the leaflet itself, but the pictures on the top... no thanks. I don't want or need to see a picture of an erect cock to illustrate what the leaflet's trying to tell me. [...]

I have to agree with you there. Maybe it is time to part with the tradition to put this leaflet in the conbook.
In the past years, where EF has been held at somewhat remote locations with few "regular" hotel guests and far less media interest, it was OK. It always seemed to me to be a little tongue-in-cheek, like a friendly little "Yeah, you may have sex here as well, we know... don't do anything stupid, mkay?"-reminder. Now, with the new location right in the middle of a big city, with media and regular guests running around the hotel, it seems... well, it seems to be a stupid thing to do. Media relations has been working hard - and successfully - to get the media to portray the fandom as a somewhat strange, but funny and friendly bunch. Now imagine someone finding the leaflet in the lobby.
In the Dealers Den, there was a sign to not let certain business cards fly around the hotel. This was perfectly reasonable -- and you're putting a leaflet containing porn into the conbook, where it falls out right in the lobby?
« Last Edit: 08.09.2010, 00:07:34 by Raider »


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #35 on: 08.09.2010, 00:09:48 »

1. Hotel staff: The employees at the bar were fantastic! Always gave us free refills of nuts and crisps when we asked, joked around and were friendly. And the non-bar staff was not that bad either, I observed that especially the younger once always smiled and were amused about us rather than upset. Give them another year, let routine in furry handling kick in, and they will be great.

2. Prices: For beeing in a 4 Star Hotel in the middle of a city as big as Magedburg, I found the beer rather cheap. The rest was def. to expensive, but if you are to lazy to cross the road to get food and drink, you have to pay the prize!

3. Venue: Let's face it - the Rinberg IS to small to host an event as the EF has grown to. I did not see getting a place as a challenge last year, I saw it as a frustration, not beeing able to get a ticket 10 mins. after registration opened cause it was sold out. For that reason I am glad the EF moved. And finding a Hotel that is big enough AND has the beautifull sourroundings + cosyness of Ringberg? Good luck!

4. Room parties/Piano Bar: I spent loads of time in the Piano bar, and never found it to empty. Room parties will always occur, no matter the prices, you had those at Ringeberg as well. And if you use it only as a place to "Vorglühen" (drinking cheap beer from cans/bottles before the actual pubing) and thus going to the bar after, it is perfect.

5. Parking: Did not go into that subject as I came by train, but was there not park and ride somewhere in Margdeburg that was affordable?

6. Super Sponsor: My only negative point. I do not like the super sponsor system. I can understand that EF needs the money in order to keep the prices low. I also can understand that people who donate should be honored. But must it be in the way it was done?
To mention super sponsors in the con book, to give them some extra goodies and the one or other exclusive panel - fine. It feels like: you pay more, so you get more.
But extra queues, better seating, earlier admission to dealers den... is not right. It feels like: you pay more, you get better treatement.
Sorry, but it gave me - and other participants - the feeling of 1. and 2. class, which in my opinion should not be advocated on a furry event. I know that this subject is much about personal believes, but for me furries should share a certain amount of solidarity and equality rather than experience classification due to their income.
« Last Edit: 08.09.2010, 00:14:23 by Drift »


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #36 on: 08.09.2010, 00:52:23 »

I really love having the (super)sponsors financing part of my con attendance. No problem at all IMO to let them have a few benefits for that. If they were that important to me I'd sponsor myself (as I'll do again when my financial situation improves).

All in all I found the con absolutely great! There could be a little more cozy sitting-together-area in the lobby, if that is somehow possible, but it's okay as it is now, too. The more business-like hotel meant for a little cold athmosphere until about Friday evening IMO, but then it all started to come together, and I bet now that we know this place and they know us, everything will work out much better next year. I'm already looking forward to it!

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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #37 on: 08.09.2010, 01:04:41 »

the "yiffy guide to safe sex". This was the first thing I saw- it dropped out in front of me before I'd even opened the conbook. I don't have an issue with the idea of the leaflet itself, but the pictures on the top... no thanks. I don't want or need to see a picture of an erect cock to illustrate what the leaflet's trying to tell me. If I was going into the more adult areas of the art show, or looking in the porn artists folders in the dealers den I'd at least be prepared to see that sort of thing (and I know to avoid those things if I don't want to see it), but I certainly didn't expect to see it fall out of my conbook, so I wasn't prepared at all, and was actually quite shocked. I'm personally not comfortable with that sort of art, and even if I was, I just don't feel it's appropriate in that context- it's precisely the sort of thing people will leave on show in their rooms (meaning the cleaners likely saw loads of them) and I saw a few floating around the lobby too (where other hotel staff and members of the public could see it)- it's precisely the sort of thing which gives off a bad impression of the convention and our fandom. One of my friends, who was staying in another hotel, says he tore his up and threw it away to make sure the cleaners didn't see it, because he was quite horrified at the idea of them finding it, and I can only agree with him.

I personaly found that leaflet too be a verry funny and amuzing little detail a few years ago at the first EF I went too, and it still gives me a little giggle as it does look a little silly and cute.
It's extremely far from offensively pornographic or anything like that... turn on any random tv, any random cookie or juice comercial is more offensive than that.
So I really hope they keep that one. as for hotel staff I'm 100% sure they have all seen alot worse long before the furries came :P


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #38 on: 08.09.2010, 01:31:29 »

6. Super Sponsor: ...earlier admission to dealers den... is not right. It feels like: you pay more, you get better treatement.
Sorry, but it gave me - and other participants - the feeling of 1. and 2. class, which in my opinion should not be advocated on a furry event. I know that this subject is much about personal believes, but for me furries should share a certain amount of solidarity and equality rather than experience classification due to their income.

I used the early Dealers' Den admission idea myself for the ConFuzzled den. For us it was as much about keeping sponsors happy as it was about getting the initial epic queue as short as possible in the simplest way possible since at the much smaller CF '09 it still took us 2 hours to get rid of the queue.
I don't know if this was part of the reasoning behind EF doing it, but I wouldn't mind betting it at least played a part.


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #39 on: 08.09.2010, 04:05:00 »

I hope that we can overcome the recent issues in next year's sales and get back to a more efficient pickup.

Do you have € 4,800 in your budget? :)
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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #40 on: 08.09.2010, 09:19:16 »

I hope that we can overcome the recent issues in next year's sales and get back to a more efficient pickup.

Do you have € 4,800 in your budget? :)

Make it € 50 and we have a deal!

Naah... there must be a cheaper system... let's discuss this some more elsewhere.


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #41 on: 08.09.2010, 09:26:28 »

All it would've taken was one staff member going 'you can leave but you can't get back in until a intermission' because being at that back corner being blinded by the light every time the door opened, which was very often, distracted from the show.

Seems to me like the typical german call for overregulation. There were plenty of seats on the left side save from even noticing there were doors (of course you could not leave anytime during the show then, but why should one want to leave during the show...). I want to get out anytime but don't want to be interrupted from other wanting get in? Think of people being a tad late due to elevators missing 1/3 of the show if it was handled as you suggested. 10-12 min intermission was quite the minimum to reach your room and be back in time.


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #42 on: 08.09.2010, 10:45:33 »

I personaly found that leaflet too be a verry funny and amuzing little detail a few years ago at the first EF I went too, and it still gives me a little giggle as it does look a little silly and cute.
It's extremely far from offensively pornographic or anything like that... turn on any random tv, any random cookie or juice comercial is more offensive than that.
So I really hope they keep that one. as for hotel staff I'm 100% sure they have all seen alot worse long before the furries came :P

Say wut?!? I NEVER saw a commercial that offensive, and I'm pretty sure the hotel staff NEVER has saw a thing like that.
I sure would love seeing you explain that to parents and their kids strolling around in the hotel lobby to see the fursuiters!


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #43 on: 08.09.2010, 11:37:50 »

Lots of things said and I try not to repeat. But I actually wrote about "Cozyness of Eurofurence" to my LJ last year. Since I still agree with myself ;) I quote:

I've heard many people saying that EF is best furry convention. But it is harder to say exact reason. I think that the location of EF have had big role in this. EF is held in the middle of the forest, away from "normal world". Even isolated location one might say.

But that's been so great about EF, its like jumping to another world. If you don't leave the hotel, you can live 4-6 days surrounded nothing but another furries. Lobby: furries. Restaurant: furries. Step outside: furries drawing animals to car parked outside :) EF has been only place where even shyest person like me can wear a tail, knowing that everyone around me totally understands.

I guess that for myself EF has been more than just convention last few years. It's been only place where I've managed to totally forget my work and my bit boring everyday life. It just doesn't happen during normal vacations.

But it is not same at the RBW. (I have nothing against RBW, great con, too bad I couldn't get there this year. But as mentioned above, RBW is only other con where I've been so I use it as an example.) RBW is in the middle of the big city. Some people like it that way though, there's lots of restaurants and bars and basicly everything just few minutes away. But when you step outside from hotel, or just to the hotel lobby, you are back in that normal world. Even it happens just shortly, its always there to remind you and break that furry feeling.

Now EF is moving to bigger hotel since Ringberg is simply too full. I hope EF still manage to keep that cozy furry atmosphere. It is not question of convention size anyway. It would have been nice to stay at the Ringberg but on the other hand, new location is always fresh and exciting. Who knows without trying, maybe its even better than previous one :)

Unfortunately that didn't happen. Even though EF was great con (thanks to staff) and it was really nice to see many old friends, I just didn't get that same "furry world" feeling I had previous years. Pity :(


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Re: Honest Opinion of EF 16
« Reply #44 on: 08.09.2010, 12:11:11 »

I sure would love seeing you explain that to parents and their kids strolling around in the hotel lobby to see the fursuiters!

What makes me cringe is that the kid that was at EF (the purple bunny girl- sorry, never got her name) must have received the exact same conbook as all of us.. i just HOPE they thought about removing that add in her conbook *shudders*...
"He's nice your uh ... uh.. squirrel?" said a guy talking about my ... ferret !
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