Only less words...
The Hotel was cozy, against my lill fear after the visit bevor EF ^.^
Fursuit Lounge: Very much thank to all the complete voluntary furs wich helped to hammer and tape the racks and pipes together.
You did so a great job!! *biggrouphugs* =^.^=
*hugs Mystifur* Thx for organizing

Thx also for cool the Fursuit Parade! I was so wrong sceptical about the weather ;P
FursuitGameShow Team: Was great again at our 5th anniversary!!! Its so much fun with all of you ^^ *starts thinking about new games*

Stage Feaver Team: As long you need a Suiterheader, i will be available ever ^.^ (special extra hug for owolf

*still thoughfull about an own skit*
PawPetShow Team: It was realy amazing and quite astonish seeing how you all did your job, also from backstage view. o.o =^.^=
I was realy happy to be able help in, bevor and while the show, by doing lill things here and there

I am ready and prepared :]
Kittfoxx: It was great to meet you again now in germany, and that you endure my technobable *hugs*

The panels was so great, and still i finaly got the time to just talk a lill with you

Looking forward to see you next con somewhere ^^
Tioh: I am so thankfull that you helped while the preliminary FSGS Games, while i hided me in suit while TV Kameras around

PS: Looking forward for EF17