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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Streifen premiere aftermath  (Read 56272 times)


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Streifen premiere aftermath
« on: 08.09.2010, 08:12:18 »


First of all, I want to thank to everyone who bothered to show up in the first place. It's been an awesome happening for me with 100+ ppl in the audience (and with <10 leaving the place before the movie was over). Also thanks to the few ones who actually picked up a DVD. You made my parkingfee bearable and enabled me to hang around in the bar at friday/saturday. Also I want to thank to the ef-staff and... well thanks thanks thanks.

There is one guy in the audience to whom I want to apologize: In the aftermath session he actually pointed out that he liked the more "mysterious" approach in the storytelling and I was kinda short with him. Hey guy, whoever you are, your summonings will be heard. I have no plans to make "panzer o1" a disneyish movie ;)
Further feedback was very kind and reasonable and right in this moment I squeeze the last ideas I gathered into the version that will actually make it to vimeo (that makes the DVD-Version I gave away during the convention a really rare and special item btw).

There is one issue I want to cover here: The way I was searching for poeple willing to take part in the "panzer o1" project. There has been complain about the fact that I was not clearly enough about -what exactly- I need for that movie. Well you are right to complain about that, and I will be clear about it as soon as possible. -Yet- my request was a mere "Hello who wants to help with something like that anyway?", nothing else.
Currently I am fleshing out the rather rough storyline of "panzer o1". Then Ill will draw a storybook/screenwriterthing and (later) cut that into a movie (consisting of drawings) and add several guidetracks.
THEN I will post a "call to arms" here on the eurofurenceforums and my livejournal

Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone who showed up. I hope to see everyone of you again at at the premiere of "panzer o1"... and the next time it will be on the big stage. I promise (have been promised ;)

Kind regards

PS: Go, blender, go!


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #1 on: 08.09.2010, 12:52:47 »

One thing I wanted to say about the movie, but couldn't:

You managed to have a lot of tension in the movie, it was always exiting and I looked forward for the story going on. Unfortuantly there was nothing, exept the *@°# scene that lost up the tension. So it wasn't a rollercoaster of feelings, it was more of a tense thriller. I hope you get the sound mixing better on the next movie. I liked the way of storytelling and the music together with the pictures.

This movie is for the ones that like long narrations and just a story told by scenes and settings. I was astonished how the story was told, really good and interesting format.

That's all for now.


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #2 on: 08.09.2010, 20:19:41 »

Well, that's what this forum is for: To tell things that have been untold so far. BTW, wich scene was the *@°# - scene then?

kind regards


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #3 on: 08.09.2010, 21:44:43 »

Errr... and audiomix is in the work. It will be re-remixed and improved before the movie goes vimeo =)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #4 on: 08.09.2010, 21:54:16 »

Ah, glad the movie will be on Vimeo.... I completely missed out on the premiere due to workstuffs at the con.. which is a shame, as I really was curious how it turned out!

Pan Hesekiel Shiroi

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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #5 on: 08.09.2010, 21:56:57 »

Here, here, me, me, me, me, meeeee! I want to lend my voice to the female main character of panzer o1! Don't you dare forgetting that. ;) I'm looking forward to work with you again and I hope I'll find some time to watch Streifen and give you some feedback on it later on. :)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #6 on: 08.09.2010, 22:10:57 »

I also wouldn't mind lending my voice, got a microphone and all right here. Or, if needed, I am sure I can organize some native english speakers from around here.


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #7 on: 08.09.2010, 23:32:57 »

"Streifen" was one of the highlights of EF16. As mentioned before, i can offer modeling, texturing and my voice for helping out at the next project.
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #8 on: 09.09.2010, 00:12:23 »

i felt it was precisly what it said it was. very raw. could allso call it an uncut diamond witch needs a lot of work put in to it.
but extrealy well made considering that just 1 person has made most of the stuff ALONE, realy well done.

unfortunatly since the planned time was 100min, and went over-time, i had to leave just right after the movie itself was over for the next shedualed item, the fursuit theater. just good that was a bit delayed, since i got stuck and captured by the movie^^


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #9 on: 09.09.2010, 02:16:44 »

I can also offer my voice (and I did) if you will ever be in need of slavic-accented voice (russian characters would use one). Sadly Im no programmer, nor animator :(

And one other thing. When I spoke with other fur about your idea of using Blender this time, he warned its not a good idea for these reasons:

1.) There is no official technical documentation to the program, and no description to what actually the functions really do.
2.) The programs inability to allow corrections after certain points being passed. For example youre modelling something, and realise youve made a mistake somewhere in the early stages, but cant do anything about it now. The program gives no warning as to where these "points of no return" are.
3.) now quoting him directly "If he tries to learn it from the start all by himself, he will go crazy..."

Well, this is what I remember from speaking with him.

Now onto something different. Once you post the video on vimeo and update your web-page, will you also release the associated art that you used? The drawings, symbols, concept art, etc? It would be great.
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...

Pan Hesekiel Shiroi

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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #10 on: 09.09.2010, 12:55:18 »

3.) now quoting him directly "If he tries to learn it from the start all by himself, he will go crazy..."

Seconded. Just ask Eisfuchs


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #11 on: 09.09.2010, 13:42:22 »

3.) now quoting him directly "If he tries to learn it from the start all by himself, he will go crazy..."
Kyo is crazy already, so that won't matter. ;)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #12 on: 09.09.2010, 19:59:53 »

@fairlight: English native speaker would be -highly- apreciated, I can tell you that...

regarding the issue with blender. Currently I am learning blender like a machine and there is a -lot- of documentation available (especialy videos). Yet I am already pretty deep in charmodelling and the only thing that bothers me (yet) is the huge amount of new possibilities. I.E you can generate and comb fur in -realtime-, aply textures as 3D-architekture in with a brushtool in realtime etc...

Yet I do not see the problem of a "way of no return", especially since blender allows to re-link objects in such a way that a change in an object will be automaticly aplied to all items that link to it. Its object orientated blahblahblahblah.

One thing is for sure: I survived -"xyz"- withoug getting totally nuts and -that- means something, I can tell you.

what I mean, this is what I got after just -ten days- working and learning. The same result would have taken me in "xyz"... a couple of weeks (even without the added structures).
Yes, I admit, I expect trouble coming up but I am still very confident that blender will do the job. I just have a  good gutfeeling about that program. It just suits me.

Anyway,  I hardly see any alternative:
a) I WONT use "xyz" again. It sucks. sucks. sucks, sucks!
b) I can not afford a XSI, Maja or whatever license. They are eitherway WAY to expensive or lack certain abilities. Thats not an option.
c) Blender has -everything- I need: Rather advanced sculting, rather smart UV-unwrapping, hair,fur, particles. Just.

Tl;dr : Blender no werking, no "panzer o1"

But don't worry. It will be fine, just as always =)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #13 on: 09.09.2010, 20:06:32 »

i wouldn't mind offering the use of my voice :) As a sample of what it sounds like, this is me speaking both in random person-to-person mode and in presentation mode: (a talk about Gluon and - the new open source game development and distribution platform we're working on).
..Dan // Leinir..

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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #14 on: 09.09.2010, 21:00:06 »

When I spoke with other fur about your idea of using Blender this time, he warned its not a good idea [..]

How long ago did he take a look at it? Blender has extremely improved since it became Free Software. There is plenty of documentation now, a large amount of tutorials, and a very active and helpful community of programmers and users.

While I'm using it only for compositing, video effects and as a video title generator (all I can model is crude technical stuff, and even that takes ages), I haven't experienced any point of no return. Opposed to many other authoring tools, it has a reasonable work flow, is very stable, and has a consistent object model.

One of the major drawbacks is that you need to know a bit about the math behind many functions, otherwise you'll get some quite unexpected results.

Personally, I learned quite a lot about lighting, even in a physical environment, just by trying to illuminate a very simple scene in Blender. And ask Xan about how he created the sewing patterns for the custom puppets of this year's pawpet show. Blender is an amazing tool box.
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