At this time the flemish government is reconsidering the strict rules on foxhunt in Flanders (no hunting during the time they have cubs, ban on the use of poison, traps, srrings and digging out dens), their goal is to allow more foxes to be killed by hunters, by more means

PLEASE HELP and sign the petition AGAINST the hunt on foxes in Belgium. non-dutch speaking furries; Click link, click "Teken vandaag nog de petitie"(large banner in the middle), fill in your name and coördinates (naam=name, voornaam=surname, straat=street, huisnr.=housenumber, Postcode=zipcode, Woonplaats=city+land), fill in the verification code (Captcha thingie, something against spam), click "Petitie ondertekenen"...poke me at EF17 to get warm sweet foxycuddles and a very big huge warm thankyou ^^