I agree, but I wouldn't restrict it to Techno only. The important thing is to choose tracks that create a positive feeling, a great party atmosphere, making people happy.
There is no policy or any other "artificial" restriction on what kind of music is being played. It's good DJs doing to the best of their experience and knowledge. And we used to have quite a bit of classic 80s and 90s music during the dances in the past, but I guess it got a little bit boring to play the same 30 year old "hits" over and over again over the last 12 years of EF dances, I guess.
Today's dance music offerings are pretty polarized and sadly, about 50% of it is "black music" (rap, hip hop, sould and R&B) with all the nasty appalling subculture attached to it, and the other half is Justin Bieber and other artificial flavours

So techno and some recent "retro" electropop is pretty much all you're left with to please the geeks if you want to avoid the current "heavy rotation" on one hand, but are tired of repeating "99 red balloons" for the gazillionth time.
Classic "synth pop" music of the 80s that we all grew up with was 100% DEAD until the very recent retro trend which gave us Polarkreis 18, Hurts, etc and some dinosaur comebacks like Kim Wilde, Joe Cocker, U2, OMD and even f*cking Rick Astley has released a new single in 2010 ... which isn't even bad. But it's questionable if you'd be able to fill a dancefloor with it at EF. During the fursit dance, maybe, for an hour or so. We'll see. I surely won't make any provisions, and just let the DJ team do their job. Their success proves them right.