Interesting topic indeed, though not verry plausable.
I imagine this would turn out like the movie Splice, wich is about the closest thing you get to this topic movie-wize anyhow.
Jolly good movie I say, scared the living daylights out of me.
I remember there was a mention in some newspaper or othert that there were scientists over in the UK, doing genetic experiments with human and animal embryos. An interesting debate for some might be the ethical ramifications concerning such recearch.
Though moraly questionable, I would be rather curious to see what would be possible. But I supose they would resemble somthing like my earlyest drawings, a horrible misformed abmomination begging to be put out of its missery.
On a side note, since the topic is kungfur hustle.
Why not try to get Stan Sakai the guy who draws Usagi Jujimbo as a guest, I seem to recal he attended Anthrocon once.
And why not set up Paws of fury at the gamecorner or whatnot?