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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Con book looking for submissions  (Read 15149 times)


  • Art Show Director
  • Con Book
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  • Posts: 1426
  • Fur Stylist
Con book looking for submissions
« on: 14.05.2011, 01:34:59 »

Dear artists and writers;

we have openings in this year's con book left to fill! If you would like to be added to the artist or writer roster, please don't hesitate to contact us through

and apply for a space in the book. Include a link to your gallery if applicable, or a pitch for your article.

What are we looking for? Full color, full page illustrations - like last year's contest submissions, just without the contest, and without the limitations of the cover page. Black and white or grayscale illustrations and fillers. Articles about cool topics, preferrably with illustrations or photos (please send your idea first, since the number of available openings is extremely limited).

Will stories be needed? Stories take a backseat in the book, being of low priority. If you have a great idea, send us a pitch though, we are open for ideas.

When do we need it? Your application needs to be in as soon as possible so we can fill the roster and plan for the remaining space. The finished art or text must be ready by 1st of July for inclusion in the book.

Is there a theme? For illustrations, the con's broad theme should reflect in the art in some way. For articles, we only ask for an interesting furry topic. See last year's book for examples. All submissions must be PG at most.

Will your submission be used in any case? Submissions will be selected by quality. We will try to avoid futile effort and disappointment by reviewing your examples beforehand and working with you on your submission, if you wish. Space will be assigned, especially for the color illustrations. For filler illustrations, which are dearly needed, inclusion obviously depends on layout issues, so we may end up not using some. We will, however, try to honor everybody's work like every year.

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