Still recovering from the PCD of my first Eurofurence convention, so I guess that's already a good sign.
Naw, really, I was pretty nervous about the con, but in the end I really had a blast.
Thank you very much for making it possible!
I'll try a bit of a feedback, but I'm not very good at it, sorry:
-The Pawpet Show was really, really awesome. As it was my first EF I had no comparison to the older shows, but I really loved it. I had been expecting some martial arts themed "historical" show but I was very positivly surprised to see a kinda cyberpunk themed show. Yes, there were some glitches and all ... but the people are no professional puppeteers, but they played with such enthusiasm and heart that I simply did not really notice the "mistakes" during the show. Just later, when I had time to think about it, I remembered them. But the show, awesome. Amazing how much life and soul you can put into the puppets. I mean Null was just so ... D'AAAW. SO the PPS was my favorite this year.
I loved Bitter Lake and the other shows, but the PPS blew me away.
Seating and everything seemed to went quite well and without much of a fuss (the big delay on the beginning of the PPS, well .. technical difficulties and accidents happen. And it's not that we did not have fun with the balloons

. Reserved seating rows for sponsors are a fair deal I think.
- I also enjoyed the BBF dance and I am very thankful for the free ear protection in three different versions. So even people with very sensitive ear could enjoy the dance. Thanks!
- I heard some stories about the elevators not working and everything. Gladly no problems this year. Yeas, sure you had to wait a couple of minutes sometimes, but since you could use the stairs this year it was no problem.
- Hotel staff was very friendly and helpfull. Every question or lil problem was readily answered.
- Prices. Well, that's something that is beyond your control. Was no problem to by myself the stuff I needed during the week in the nearby shopping center anyway. It just hurt when you stumble out of the dance and just need a cold drink to rehydrate. What bugged me a little was that even tap water was on the list of beverages at the minibar, but as I said .. nothing you could do about (and from what I've heared was that the mini bar staff themselves handed out water later)
- What I really liked was how the security staff handled the access to the Dealers Den on the first day. Just a small amount of people at a time. Yes, that meant you had to stay in the line for a longer amount of time, but that also meant you don't step on each others toes in the dealers den. And you had time to look around and maybe exchange a few word with your favorite artist.
- Security seemed to handle their job quite well (of course I can only tell from my positive personal experience) and was friendly and aware of access to certain areas (like Dealers den). I had not been wearing my con ticket around the neck but had it tied to my pants, so when I was in full motion it could be missed. Upon entry to the den I had been (rightfully and friendly) called back by security a few times to check my card.
- A small point at the end ... from what I've heared is that there was some confusion about stage tickets, day pass and so on. Maybe that's something that should be announced a clearer, I don't know. I was there for the full con myself, so I had no problems myself.
To sum it up... it was my first EF and if nothing goes wrong, it won't be my last.
Thank you for the awesome time!
Edit: now I got it I think. o.o'