Dunno much about vine brewing, but I'd be happy to bring a bottle or three of nordic mead, since I am a viking after all. Anyhow I have some ideas :
Toga party
I assume someone will put this up. Cock-tails and togas. The rest will just happen by itself I assume.
Live bands
As stated earlier, why not hire bands from withinn the fandom?
Roman spa
The more femminine variety of the fandom will really appresciate this I think. Doesn't need to be anything more fancy than a makeshift masage parlor.
General artist panel
A panel where we can meet artists discuss different trends and styles and ask questions.
The fandom past future and present
Being in the fandom for 15 years I for one would love to do a short recap of how the fandom has evolved and is continueing to evolve, for better and for worse.
Grand feast
A grand roman style barbecue.
Fursuit olympics. Like last years fursuit game show, only more sporty.
I trust the Pawpet show will come up with somrhing equally as stunning as last year. Or how about a fursuit theater like the one we had a few years back.
Movie screening
I'm sure there is some movie we could watch, if not what about showing Bitter Lake again? It does sort of fit in with the theme.
Ancient anhros
A panel about ancient anthropomorphic gods and legends. There are a lot of ancient anthropomorphic artifacts that relate to the fandom in one way or another, wich may be of interest.
Philisophic weivs in the fandom
A panel on how the fandom has evolved from a geeky subculture to the most accepting and diverse fandom. And what philisophies like altruism effect the current attitudes of the fandom. One might draw from the furry survey.
Story hour
Why not tell a story, some furryfied greek myths? I assume the babyfurs will love this. And while they are lulled off to sleep the rest of us can resume drinking after an entertaining story.
Babyfur event
Perhaps not fitting with the theme though, While not a babyfur myself, I find their weiv of the world facinating. I know some of you may be opposed to brining this group forth, but as this group has never really been shed much light on, I for one would love to know more about them.
Crocuis art event
Art class. Drawing after a live fursuiter.
The oracle of Delfi
Why not have a clearvoiant or tarot, paw reader do peoples fortunes. Oh did I mention I do tarot, paw readings and animal divination cards?