Most of us left the hotel to do other things. Some feedback on restaurants, bars, and other atractions might be useful.
For example I've heard people complain there's nowhere to go late at night. Not true. Myself, Scale, and a bunch of italian furs found this place at the south end of Breiter Weg: sure how late it closes, but we had dinner there
after the Pawpet show. So pretty damn late.
Good: Cheap food. Vegitarian selection. Awesome ceiling.
Bad: 1km from hotel. There were some drunk people there. Possibly not the best place to go alone or in a fursuit.
I heard reports that staff at the nearby italian restaurant were rude, but haven't gone there myself.
The Green Citidell is well worth a visit. One of the internal shops contains a scale model of the whole structure. You'll probablyneed it to get a grasp on how the whole thing fits together. - And Scale, you have no sense of artistic taste.

Zoo... Wouldn't go a second time. Many animals showed signs of severe stress, and some (Elephants spring to mind) were housed in completely inadiquate and barran facilities. You also may wish to take your own food. I've seen far worse, but I've also seen better.
Pizza Hut was ... a Pizza Hut. English menus vailable. Staff will gently berate you if you try to speak german.
Cathedral has some very interesting sulpture inside, one of which depicts the Garden of Eden with a Naga.
Anyone else care to share their experiences?
And possibly make suggestions for next year's sightseeing leaflet?