So, here's the
official Eurofurence 17 Lost and Found Box. Okay, three boxes, actually. Took me a whole day to proccess.
This also means: if the item you're looking for isn't on the list below: sorry :/
How it works- If you have identified your item pipe up in this thread or send me a
note (PM).
- Tell me the ID of the Item(s) you claim as your own.
- Make sure you
read your PMs or Mails on a frequent basis.
- I may ask you to tell me something about the item to verify that it is truely yours.
- I also will try to contact those I know a specific item belongs to.
- I've a full-timejob. So shipping may take several days.
- I won't keep the items forever. Everything that
isn't claimed until the end of the year will be given away or disposed. I'm honest. If you don't want your stuff back I take it that you don't care about it any longer.
Shipping feesThe Shipping fees depend on the size and the final weight of the parcel.
- National: 4,10 EUR up to 2,0Kg
- National: 6,90 EUR Up to 10Kg
- National Non Standard: 13,90 EUR Up to 10Kg
- International: 15,90 EUR up to 2Kg*
- International: 35,00 EUR up to 10Kg*
- Documents, Badges and small items can be shipped national as a large letter (up to 500Gr. = 2,50 EUR)
*) Shipping to Nations/States within the EU and USA.
If your items is a small one (Badges, Sunglasses, etc), I'm willing to keep it in store and bring it along to MMC or EF. At MMC you have to look for me. At EF you can pick it up from the ConOps Office.Payment- You have to pay before the item gets shipped.
- If the post office charges me more fees then expected, you have to pay those as well.
- You can do that via Paypal (you pay the transfer fees) or via Banc Account (IBAN/BIC)
Warranty- There is NO warranty.
- I will note you when your items is shipped.
- It would be nice to get a small note when it has arrived.
- I know how long internatinal shipping takes (usually not more than 14 days).
- So, if I get no response, I will automatically note the item as delivered 4 weeks after the day of shipping.
- I always keep the shipping voucher. When something went lost or is damaged, it is not my fault. Please don't start to blame me for it. I will not pay for it in any way.
Eurofurence 17 Lost and Found Box
Item: 01 (left shoe) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 02 (CAT leather-jacket) Claimed by: Ryaku

Item: 03 (Fursuit feets) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 04A to 04H (Misc Badges) 04A: Kossetsu (Ship) 04B: Hopper (note send) 04C: Kixt (Ship) 04D: Dragon-Tiger (Dispose) 04E: "B" (Send to Chibi) 04F: Zestence (note send) 04G: Slereah (Send) 04H: Kiroja (Dispose)

Item: 05 (Hat) Claimed by: Aragon R. Tigerseye
Item: 06 (Fursuit head) Claimed by: Ryaku

Item: 07 (Fursuit feets) Claimed by: Ryaku
Item: 08 (T-Shirt) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 09 (T-Shirt) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 10 (Water boiler) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 11 (Throusers thingie) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 12 (Lycra throusers thingie) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 13 (Black short w/ white buttons) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 14 (Wine and other alcoholics) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 15 (blank canvas) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 16 (Bag.. with stuff in it) Claimed by: Gyroplast

Item: 17 (songbook) Claimed by: vIDo
Item: 18 (bag) Claimed by: Chibi

Item: 19 (Shoes) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 20 (Basecap) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 21 (Acryl paint) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 22 (Crayons) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 23 (Guitar bag?) Claimed by: vIDo
Item: 24 (Photo hardcopy) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 25 (Rulebook) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 26 (mMoneybag) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 27 (Fursuit paw) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 28 (Table game) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 29 (Monthly ticket) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 30 (Otter plush animal (I guess)) Claimed by: Kairan

Item: 31 (Wristband) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 32 (Moodbadge) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 33 (Panda, tiny) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 34 (Notebook PSU) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 35 (PMR Device) Claimed by: vIDo
Item: 36 (PMR Device) Claimed by: Frionil

Item: 37 (Headphones) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 38 (Headphones) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 39 (USB Cable) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 40 (Sunglasses) Claimed by: Rimou

Item: 41 (Battery pack) Claimed by: BlackLion (dispose)
Item: 42 (Bookmark) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 43 (Key) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 44 (Character Drawing) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 45 (Sunglasses) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 46 (Pin) Claimed by: Uncle Kage

Item: 47 (Pin) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 48 (Necklace w/ dog tag) Claimed by: Demuatef

Item: 49 (Wristband) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 50 (Massage thingie) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 51 (Pendant) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 52 (Cell Phone) Claimed by: Zoomy

Item: 53 (Sony Lens cap) Claimed by: Huskyboy
Item: 54 (Sigma Lens cap) Claimed by: Kiki McCloud

Item: 55 (Nikon Lens cap) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 56 (Cannon Lens cap) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 57 (Some part of a Camera) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 58 (Cannon Lens cap) Claimed by: OPEN

Item: 59 (Fimo Thingie) Claimed by: OPEN
Item: 60 (Cell Phone) Claimed by: Lupy