I had a little discussion about this with Gyroplast on the last day while they were removing the disco ball, but even though his reasoning was sound and valid (and I totally understand his points) I thought I'd reiterate this here, to see people's (and con crew) reactions.
Issue: Whether you live in the hotel or somewhere nearby (and as the con gets larger, the "somewhere nearby"
will become true for a substantial percentage of con-goers), you probably have a few things on you that you cannot bring to certain events of the con. The Art Show for example doesn't allow any kind of picture taking equipment, and doesn't look kindly at bag type stuff either. Some stage events ban cameras too.
So, so far the solution has been simply to drop said stuff outside the event's room and go in without them. This is fine as long as there are no outsiders (we wouldn't steal from each other, would we?), but even so, usually the only place you can put them is on the ground, into a disorganised pile. If you live in the hotel, you can go up to your room, drop them stuff, get back down to the event and hope by the time you come back you haven't missed out on anything. If you're nearby, you can do the same, it's just less comfortable, though getting stuff up to the hostel and come back might sometimes be faster than going up to the 7th floor of the Maritim and back

And after your visit to said event, do the same again to pick stuff up.
In short it's uncomfortable and it doesn't feel good to leave your camera among a pile of other stuff
on the ground, outside, completely out of sight. At least I feel this way. It would be nicer if there was a table to put stuff on (bags are just fine on the ground, eg. under said table), and it would be even nicer if said table was inside the room. There seemed to be plenty of space next to the Art Show regdesk for example.