Hello dear furs,
I would like to know if I get a confirm for my reservation in the Maritim Hotel Maagdenburg?
I know I have to bring my ID.
And at what time we can get in, and have to leave the room by coming and going?
I read the rules about the room!
maybe you noticed, my English is bad!!! Sorry!!!
I have also ordered badges for our fursuit, do I get a confirm about that?? So I know it is allright?
It is the first time that we come to a convention, and I'm a fur who like to have her travelpapers in order!! (I have my vaccinations)

I try to look for the answers, but coudn't find them!!!!!(now excuses, but I'm very busy at the moment) You to! I know
Already thanks!!!!
And hope to meet you all!!
Metalwolfify, they call me Metal