Yep, it's gonna happen again at EF 18.
Admittedly, last year's session was kind of boring because it again turned into a "everyone sits down and only two people speak". So let's PLEASE not do that again.

Here's the deal - both "parts" of the panel will happen in the same room, and everyone is free to talk and look at whatever they fancy most.
Show & TellPlease do bring your stuff if you want to flaunt your mad game development skillz, pet projects, or portfolios. People who want to show off their stuff should bring it on a suitable device (laptop, tablet computer, etc...) and will get a table to set up their stuff on and demo it. Sorry, no beamers, that'd turn the meet & greet into a keynote again, and that just didn't work for most of the attendees last year.
Meet & GreetI probably still won't be able to get bistro tables (tall ones where you can stand at), but I'll try. I think going with the "walk-in" format originally envisioned, this M&G will allow more conversations to take place and more people to get to know each other. After all, this isn't "Game Developers Anonymous", where everyone takes turns and goes "Hi, I'm {randomfur} and I make games", and all others go "Hi {randomfur}".

Instead, we *really* need to keep the chairs to the show & tell people, and everyone else should just wander around and make casual, pleasant conversation. It'll help the event a lot.