1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
-> 3 Packs. 1 at the Fursuit dance (as non suiter) and 2 at the Saturday night dance. Had to switch them out inbetween. I brought my own initially, but I used yours because I know mine would really dull down the music.
2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
9. I used the medium strength ones and the music quality was still fairly good. I used the stronger plugs on last years dance and they dulled down the music a bit too much.
3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
10. They did their job just perfectly.
4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
8. A bit too long to insert them as instructed on the manual.
5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
8. As I said, they are a bit too long

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?
Thank you so much for providing us with ear protection! And providing even three different strengths of plugs gives everybody the opportunity to chose what level of protection they like. That saves our hearing and makes us enjoy the dances even more, even if you you have very sensitive ears.