From the fursuit lounge, I am missing my small black pleather case with a set of 8 plyers inside.
Closed, it's about 20*30cm. Inside are 8 new special tiny plyers with red handles.
I "lost" it in my silver metal case with all my own other tools that I brought to equip the fursuit repair station.
If it accidently fell into your luggage and you should find it when unpacking your stuff, I would highly appreciate if you let me know and send it back to me.
If you took it because you found the tools nice and wanted to keep them:
May your fursuit fall apart, may all your future projects go horribly wrong, and may all conventions you attend be miserable for you.
Having my personal tools stolen as a thank you for the work I do and time I spend during the convention is not what I need.
(If you have it and change your mind, but want to ship it anonymously:
Send to Oliver-Bartel-----Grumbrechtstr.-18-----21075-Hamburg-----Germany )