Hmm, I love to watch dancing furries, this is awesome, this makes me happy, but I´m afraid my own dance skills are very poor, not enough to become part of this dancemeet... But maybe, if there would be a official dance tutorial showing moves to begin with, I can practise this the next 6 month
... Then maybe I could imaging to do a group dance with You all
I'm glad to have you interested!

You should look around youtube and check for some dance videos or tutorials there

I know a lot of dancerfurs learned their stuff from vids or dance shows.
For everyone that is a little bit afraid of showing what they can do... this is a great opportunity to learn from each other and get through that barrier!
This is one of the main reasons we wanna do this event... To get people go through their "fear" of showing what they can even if it's minimum. ^^
Do not be afraid of joining up the event cause you can learn a lot from others